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Brandon Griffith

Brandon Griffith is the founder and CEO of Griffith Blue Heart, a 501.c(3) nonprofit that specializes in preparing, training and equipping law enforcement for time-sensitive medical emergencies, like cardiac arrest, emergency hemorrhage control, overdoses, drownings, etc. Brandon is a leading expert on police resuscitation, a sheriff’s deputy for Pinal County Sheriff’s Office in Arizona, a multi-disciplined instructor, a former EMT, and an out-of-hospital sudden cardiac arrest survivor.

Even without departmental help, there are steps you take toward better health
There are steps leaders can take to help personnel be healthier
Police face a tremendous risk – what goes into it, and what can they do about it?
Despite being positioned to make an impact on emergency cardiac survival rates, LE remains an under-utilized component of the chain of survival
We lose 1,000 Americans a day to sudden cardiac arrest – here’s how cops could help