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Jodi Butts

Eyes on the Road

Jodi Butts has been a law enforcement officer since 1998. She is currently assigned to patrol duties, having completed an assignment as an instructor at her agency’s basic academy. Jodi is a certified firearms instructor and is also certified to instruct emergency driving techniques to include vehicle immobilization devices and the Precision Immobilization Technique (PIT). Jodi served as a Military Police Officer in the U.S. Army. She earned a Master’s Degree in Justice Administration/Public Administration.

Contact Jodi Butts

To date, only three women have become members of the Border Patrol Search, Trauma, and Rescue (BORSTAR) Team of U.S. Customs and Border Protection — Julie Gallagher is one of them
Try to get the thickest and heaviest safe you can afford, and get one at least one size bigger than what you think you need