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Airborne and Maritime

San Diego County Sheriff’s Department and San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department take delivery of Bell 412EPX helicopters for emergency response assistance
Police drone use is increasing, making it essential for agencies to adopt a sound law enforcement drone policy governing their use
Helicopter Rescue Tech Ernie Zeller hoisting out of Snohawk 10, a Bell UH-1H Huey, during a search and rescue mission
“With the ability for the drones to link directly to our real-time crime center, we will be able to provide more information to our officers,” Chief Pamela Smith stated
Dash camera and helicopter videos show the Tesla speeding away recklessly, driving the wrong way in traffic and nearly striking a pedestrian
“It is without a doubt the swift response by our patrol officers saved the lives of these children,” the West Haven Police Department stated
Download this Police1 drones/unmanned aircraft systems buying guide to learn key steps for product selection, purchasing and implementation
The Bernanillo County first responders were returning from conducting firefighting operations in July 2022 when the helicopter entered a descent and crashed
The pursuit, which involved a CHP helicopter and several ground units, ended after spike strips were deployed and police vehicles surrounded the suspect in the stolen truck
Video shows Sarasota PD Officer Michael Skinner using his boat to push the runaway boat into a sea wall before climbing in, cutting the engine and rendering aid to the man
The Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office helicopter reached the boat in a matter of minutes, as it was nearby following a water rescue demonstration
Montana Highway Patrol Trooper Lewis Johnson will be sharing the story of his rescue by the air team at a banquet fundraiser April 20
The Erie County Sheriff’s Office’s helicopter team tracked a group of teenagers fleeing from Buffalo police officers in a stolen vehicle
The man had fallen 50 to 60 feet from a trail in the Golden Gate National Recreation Area, the Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office said
San Bernardino sheriff’s deputies were attempting to protect other officers when they shot and killed a teen girl who had been kidnapped by her father, a heavily-armed murder suspect
“We are lucky we did not lose a Dallas officer that day,” Chief Eddie Garcia said. “Whether [the suspect] knew a Dallas police officer was inside that car or not, he fired into an occupied vehicle showing no regard for human life”
A bee removal expert transferred the queen bee to a portable hive and gently vacuumed the rest of the workers, leaving the helicopter bee-free
Video shows the biker weaving through traffic and running red lights during the 90-minute pursuit; he has been charged with fleeing at high speed, reckless driving and possession of a counterfeit license plate
“The fact that a random person might catch a glimpse of your yard...does not make it reasonable for [LEOs] to take to the skies and train high-powered optics on the private space right outside your home without a warrant,” the ruling states
The fatal shooting occurred after a DUI suspect fled a traffic stop and fired shots at officers
The three killed in the crash were: N.Y. National Guard Officers Casey Frankoski, 28, and John Grassia, 30, who was also a state trooper, and Border Patrol Agent Chris Luna, 49
Through community partnerships, agency leaders can make choices on UAS deployment that match the needs of their community
The governor also announced a $50 million investment into police equipment, including license plate readers, drones and helicopters to fight auto theft
“We have eyes on him coming down the tower,” a deputy with the aviation unit says in the video. “He’s probably about three-quarters of the way up”
“I mean, if you want to get someone over here, now would be a great time,” a helicopter crew officer told officers on the ground as the suspect stopped in a highway median
In a Feb. 27 presentation to the L.A. Police Commission, Cmdr. Shannon Paulson said that the audit showed a “fundamental lack of understanding” about how the aircraft help identify and catch crime suspects
“Their quick action saved the day, turning a potential tragedy into a hopeful reunion,” Sheriff Chad Chronister said. “Their dedication shows what service and protection are all about here at the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office”
The King County Sheriff’s Office helicopter monitored two suspects who went on a carjacking spree, giving the Kent Police Department probable cause to initiate a pursuit