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An extra hand when you need it most: A magnet for your MOLLE gear or duty belt

This small but mighty magnetic gear addition serves several purposes

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A compact magnetic device that provides officers a place to hold their firearm while reloading, Magnetactical X2 ensures safety and efficiency in the event an officer’s arm is incapacitated.


All too often, law enforcement officers find themselves in situations where an extra hand would be vital to a successful outcome. Officers are required to respond when seconds matter in environments that are highly stressful, uncertain and rapidly evolving. Therefore, it is crucial to have gear that supports lifesaving actions and efficient, effective problem-solving. This is where products such as Magnetactical X2 shine the brightest.


Magnetactical X2 is a product for law enforcement officers that was designed by a law enforcement officer to both streamline antiquated techniques and solve critical issues. After years of training and searching for safer and more effective ways to perform one-handed firearms manipulations, Magnetactical X2 was created.

A compact magnetic device that provides officers a place to hold their firearm while reloading, Magnetactical X2 ensures safety and efficiency in the event an officer’s arm is incapacitated. It was developed using powerful neodymium magnets encased in a hard, chemical-resistant nylon casing to attract only ferromagnetic items, such as guns. The primary and foundational purpose for its creation is saving lives during critical, lethal force incidents where officers have suffered incapacitating upper extremity injuries.

Law enforcement agencies, SWAT teams, task force units and individual officers alike spend quite a bit of time training “injured officer” drills and scenarios to prepare for a situation where an officer may suffer an upper extremity injury resulting in one of their arms (or a portion of it) no longer being functional. These types of injuries can be the result of physically fighting with a suspect, causing torn muscles and/or tendons, or result from more extreme incidents like an officer-involved shooting.

Regardless of the cause of the injury, the officer must still perform to the same high level of standards and expectations placed upon him or her, but now with only one arm. The Magnetactical X2 allows for efficient, effective and faster one-handed firearm manipulations while maintaining situational awareness, stability and mobility.

The antiquated methodologies of one-handed firearm reloads and manipulations require an officer to place the firearm either between their knees in a hunched over position or between one of their boots and their hamstring while in a kneeling position. Both of these options for reloading and manipulating the firearm with only one functioning arm cause a lack of stability in the officer’s platform, render them immobile should they need to move to a better tactical position, and reduce their situational awareness as they focus on retrieving magazines from compromised places while not losing control of the firearm itself.

Now, should all of that be completed without any additional complications, the officer then must find a way to rack the slide and place the gun back into battery to deliver effective and appropriate lethal force. These archaic and “because we’ve always done it that way” techniques for one-handed reloads and firearm manipulations can now be thrown to the wayside with the integration of the Magnetactical X2.

The Magnetactical X2 is designed to attach to either your MOLLE gear or your belt and is strongly recommended to be affixed near your centerline for access by either arm. The powerful magnetic retention of the Magnetactical X2 allows for the officer’s firearm to be securely attached to it; the top of the slide where the iron sights or RDS (red dot sight) are mounted is pressed against the magnet, locking it in place.

Due to its functionality and incredible design, the officer is able to easily access all magazines, reload the firearm and rack the slide off the Magnetactical X2 safely, securely and in just a fraction of the time required compared to old methodologies.

Immediately after the firearm is secured to the Magnetactical X2 during an event where an incapacitating upper extremity injury has occurred, the officer is then able to administer a tourniquet or any other lifesaving self-aid, maintain complete situational awareness during the critical incident and remain mobile all while keeping positive retention and control of the firearm.


While the inception and primary purpose of the Magnetactical X2 focuses on one-handed firearm reloads and manipulations to aid in saving lives, it does serve a secondary purpose as well.

Daily interactions between officers and suspects occur where arrests, detentions and searches arise. These precarious situations often cause officers to remove dangerous items such as firearms, knives and other potential weapons from suspects. This is where the Magnetactical X2 creates an opportunity to briefly secure those dangerous objects while still maintaining control of the subject and situation without causing any interruptions.

Ideally, an additional officer on scene for support would be the best option in assisting with the safe handling of such objects, but unfortunately, the job law enforcement officers do is inherently dangerous, and we may not be afforded that luxury all the time. The Magnetactical X2 also provides a safe way of retaining other ferromagnetic objects such as keys, handcuffs, flashlights and magazines until a more secure option presents itself.

It is imperative to note that with all tactics, techniques and equipment, training must occur for proficiency to develop. The Magnetactical X2 is easily integrated into both dry fire and live fire training to create proper muscle memory for proficient one-handed and “injured officer” tactics should the need to use it ever arise.


No matter what your gear setup is, Magnetactical X2 has an option for you at a price point that makes you wonder why you don’t already have one. Its incredible versatility allows it to securely attach to your MOLLE gear and/or 10 different belt sizes as it comes with three modular back pieces which can be quickly switched out. It also comes in three colors: black, sand and olive drab. If you’re looking for an “extra hand” to increase your survivability in a combat situation, definitely check out the Magnetactical X2.

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Free shipping for orders of $300 or more.

Visit Magnetactical for more information.

Jerrod Fraley is an active-duty patrol officer in Ohio. His assignments have included patrol, detective, FTO, regional SWAT team member and training coordinator, as well as serving as a member of his department’s training staff. In addition to his primary duties, he is also a member of the (Ohio Tactical Officers Association) Red Team Instructor Cadre, where he teaches basic and advanced SWAT and firearms courses across the state.