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Local receives national honor

20 December 2006

Kingston, Tenn. — Shawn Hughes of Midtown, Tn., a former Police Officer and Bomb Technician, and current Special Projects Consultant was presented an award Monday.

Shawn Hughes displaying his certificate and pin in front of a bomb disposal trailer.

A member of the prestigious International Association of Bomb Technicians and Investigators, Hughes recently was recognized for reaching his ten year membership mark.

He was presented with a Certificate of Achievement, a recognition pin, and a letter of commendation from the Regional Director.

Hughes is well-known nationally for his work and contributions to the field, including being requested to write articles for some of the most recognizable national magazines, authoring two books, writing a monthly column for the largest Law Enforcement Community Website online and providing advice and direction to Federal, State and local agencies and contractors.

Hughes said that he enjoyed being an IABTI member, and was very proud of his longetivity achievement award. He went on to say that no matter how busy he was he would always make himself available to local agencies needing help.

Shawn Hughes is a veteran Patrol Officer who in addition to being a Bomb Technician, has served with other special teams including Entry, Narcotics, and Technical Surveillance units. A sometimes controversial speaker and writer, his work has appeared in peer-reviewed journals including the National Tactical Association’sTactical Edge, the International Association of Bomb Technicians’ Detonator, and other respected national publications such as S.W.A.T., Police, Frontline Responder and The Police Marksman.

His books include a well-received manual for First Responders and Prepared Citizens entitled, The WMD Awareness Guide, and one in post-production; the first in a series of study guides on physical security vulnerability exploitation.

When he isn’t writing, he teaches, lectures and consults for government and the private sector in addition to whatever else tickles his fancy.