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Video: Practice with your weapon

In this video tactical tip, Police1 Contributor Chris Cerino offers the reminder that you can be better prepared for the street if you take just a couple of moments before every shift to practice some basic weapons manipulations with a confirmed-cleared sidearm. Check and double check to be certain you’ve emptied the chamber and have only empty magazines in hand, and practice some basic skills that can potentially save your life of the life of someone you’re protecting — whether that’s an innocent victim or a fellow officer involved in a life-or-death fight.

Part-time police officer Chris Cerino is most recognized as the competitor that came in 2nd place in both Top Shot season 1 and Top Shot All Stars. He is currently the field host of Gun Talk TV, Guns and Gear and a trainer on The First Person Defender series on Gun Talk’s YouTube page. He is an internationally known firearms instructor who has been training law enforcement officers, military operators and civilians for more than 18 years. He has worked as Peace Officer in a variety of positions from municipal and county to state and federal agencies spanning 23 years. Chris continues to instruct through his company Chris Cerino Training Group at the national and international level. A published writer on the topics of firearms training and instruction he continually pursues validation of his skills and the skills he teaches by competing in three gun, precision rifle matches and NRA action pistol matches across the country.

Contact Chris Cerino