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Governor names new head of Mass. State Police

Lt. Col. Christopher Mason will take over the agency next week following the retirement of Col. Kerry Gilpin


Lt. Col. Christopher Mason (center, right) was announced as the new superintendent of the Massachusetts State Police, taking over for Col. Kerry Gilpin.


Scott J. Croteau

BOSTON — The governor announced that Massachusetts State Police Lt. Col. Christopher Mason, currently a deputy superintendent in the agency, is being named the head of the state police.

The announcement from Gov. Charlie Baker comes just days after Col. Kerry Gilpin, the state police’s superintendent, said she is retiring.

Mason became second-in-command at the state police in January after Lt. Col. Barry O’Brien retired.

Mason was the commander of the state police’s investigative services division and previously was the commander of the Commonwealth Fusion Center and commanded the state police detective unit for the Cape and Islands for several years.

“As a member of my Command Staff, Lieutenant Colonel Mason has been at the center of discussions and decisions that have led to numerous improvements within the Department’s operations,” Gilpin said back in January. “He, like Lieutenant Colonel O’Brien, is someone whose opinions and ideas I highly value, and as Deputy Superintendent he will continue to work by my side as the Department continues to fulfill its mission of protecting the lives, safety and property of the people who live, work, and raise families in our state.”

Gilpin announced her retirement on Nov. 6. She is officially retiring on Nov. 15.