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Lyons Hale

Lyons Hale has been a sworn police officer since 1998 and currently holds the rank of captain. He has worked in a patrol capacity for most of his career and leads Louisiana’s statewide crisis negotiation team. He is also the co-founder of Juliet Lima Solutions, a law enforcement and private industry training and consulting company that offers leadership, de-escalation and emotional intelligence training. Learn more here.

We should put in as much effort on our last day as a leader as we did on our first day
The key to understanding how others see us is to first see ourselves clearly
Every police leader’s to-do list should feature things leaders know they don’t have to do but do them anyway
Leading with empathy will result in happier, more productive officers
It’s not enough to simply recite, “I can see how that would upset you”
If we can manage our own emotions by understanding how an irate person affects us, we can remain calm in the face of provocation