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The Up-Beat: Top police heroes of February

Our monthly roundup of cops doing good across the nation


By Police1 Staff

From small gestures of kindness to incredible acts of heroism, police officers help their communities every day. Our monthly news roundup, The Up-Beat, aims to bring greater attention to these inspiring stories.

This month, we’re highlighting an uplifting adoption story, random acts of kindness and more stories of cops lending a hand. Do you have an uplifting story to share? Email or submit a story using the link below.

1. HERO OF THE MONTH: Officer Nicholas Quintana

After a horrific homicide left five children without parents, Officer Nicholas Quintana knew he had to act.

“What really stirred my heart was, to be honest, I definitely empathized with them, my father was killed by a family member of mine,” Quintana told 8 News Now.

Quintana talked it over with his wife and set up a meeting with child services to start the adoption process. The couple had been trying to have kids for years. Now they have five. Great work, Officer Quintana! FULL STORY

2. Wis. deputy’s act of kindness helps two-time cancer survivor

Deputy Kristine Rodriguez and Ouida Parish met by chance at a Valentine’s Day party at a senior center in Milwaukee. Neither expected the bond that would come of it. FULL STORY

3. Ark. cop connects with boy he saw walking miles to school

Every day, Cpl. Jeff Shirley would see the same boy walking three miles to and from school. He knew he had to help. FULL STORY

4. Woman celebrates 10th year of sobriety with trooper who arrested her for drunk driving

Trooper Kristie Sue Hathaway arrested Amy Martin, the driver, and took her to jail. Their encounter could have stopped there, but it didn’t. FULL STORY

5. Watch: Md. officer saves student from being hit by car

A Maryland police officer sacrificed her own health to save a young girl from an oncoming car. FULL STORY

Whether it’s your own story, a colleague’s, a neighboring PD’s, or simply something you saw on the internet, submit your good police news to us HERE for a chance to be featured in The Up-Beat.