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Navigating protests: The evolution of policing communication

How innovative solutions and best practices can enhance coordination, maintain public safety and foster harmony during periods of heightened tension


By Jeff Halstead

In the ever-dynamic realm of law enforcement, effective communication remains paramount in preserving peace and order, especially during periods of heightened tension such as protests.

Throughout history, societies have grappled with diverse viewpoints and expressions, with law enforcement agencies responsible for safeguarding public safety while respecting individuals’ rights to assemble and express themselves freely. In this endeavor, robust communication strategies are pivotal, serving as the linchpin for maintaining harmony amid discord.

The evolution of communication

Over the years, the landscape of policing and protest communication has evolved significantly, tracing its roots back to the tumultuous era of the Vietnam War protests, through the civil rights movements of the Black Lives Matter era, to the contemporary demonstrations witnessed in response to events like the Israel-Gaza conflict. Throughout these events, various modes of communication have been used by protesters.

During the Vietnam War protests, communication primarily relied on word of mouth, printed materials such as pamphlets and flyers, mainstream media channels like newspapers and television, and dedicated telephone hotlines to organize rallies and disseminate information among participants.

In the civil rights movements of the Black Lives Matter era, social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook became instrumental in organizing protests, sharing real-time updates and amplifying voices within the movement. Additionally, mobile messaging apps like WhatsApp and Signal, live-streaming through smartphones and community networks were utilized to coordinate logistics and mobilize support.

In contemporary demonstrations, such as those witnessed during the Israel-Gaza conflict, social media platforms remain crucial for activists to share updates and rally international support, while international media coverage and official statements from governments and political leaders shape public perception and convey official stances on the conflicts.

Challenges in law enforcement communication

In each epoch, the challenges and complexities of managing communications between protesters and public safety organizations have evolved, necessitating innovative approaches to communication and coordination. As colleges and universities prepare for students to return, it is an opportune time for campus police organizations and their local public safety partners to reflect on what they have learned and how they can ensure that in the fall, protests do not escalate due to a lack of communication and coordination.

Traditionally, law enforcement agencies grappled with the limitations of conventional communication channels, which hindered the swift dissemination of vital updates and the seamless coordination of responses among stakeholders. However, the emergence of cutting-edge solutions specifically designed for public safety purposes has heralded a new era in police communication during protests.

By offering a secure and encrypted platform for real-time information sharing, these solutions empower law enforcement agencies to transcend the constraints of disparate radio systems, facilitating seamless interoperability and enhancing situational awareness within seconds.

Amid protests, adhering to best practices in communication becomes imperative. Public safety organizations can break down what will serve them well in protest and other emergency situations by focusing on the following areas:

  • Interoperability: All public agencies need to be fully connected, legally and securely, particularly since traditional radio systems may not allow them to share critical intelligence, updates, resource deployments, and more. Communicating on a secure and encrypted platform within seconds achieves true interoperability, ensuring seamless coordination and situational awareness.
  • Accurate and timely information: Critical stakeholders, including public safety agencies, educational leaders, advisors and legal advocates, need access to accurate and timely information as soon as possible. Inviting them into encrypted chat rooms can facilitate this. This inclusive approach ensures that decision-makers have instant access to updates and insights, enabling prompt responses tailored to the evolving dynamics of protests. Bridging communication gaps and fostering collaboration among diverse stakeholders facilitates informed decision-making, thereby mitigating the need for force deployments and promoting peaceful resolutions.
  • Inclusive and cost-effective onboarding: Providing complimentary “guest accounts” for lead agencies can seamlessly onboard additional stakeholders, expanding the network of support without financial constraints. This inclusive model streamlines communication efforts and fosters community engagement by allowing diverse voices to contribute to collective decision-making toward achieving common goals.
  • Protection from external threats: Accessibility and security protocols must address the imperative of safeguarding sensitive information, assuring stakeholders that data remains protected from external threats. This assurance bolsters trust among participants and instills confidence in the integrity of communication processes, laying the groundwork for effective leadership amidst challenging circumstances.

In essence, successful protest communication hinges on the establishment of a trusted platform where critical parties can collaborate in real-time, working toward the common goals of maintaining peace and ensuring public safety. By harnessing innovative communication solutions, law enforcement agencies can navigate the complexities of protests with agility and effectiveness, paving the way for harmonious coexistence and mutual respect within communities.

Effective communication in action

One organization that has put these best practices to work is the Baltimore Police Department. The department has been using Genasys CONNECT for over four years, and it has become invaluable during recent planned protests, marches and civil unrest. Officers can instantly provide updates on crowd plans, movements and violence potential, enabling the incident command post to immediately deploy resources to areas where violence is headed, thereby preventing incidents such as arson and facility damage.

As we navigate the ever-changing landscape of policing, embracing innovative communication solutions emerges as a beacon of hope, bridging divides and forging pathways toward a brighter, more inclusive future for all.

About the author

Jeff Halstead is Director of Strategic Accounts at Genasys, and retired as Chief of Police for the Fort Worth (Texas) Police Department.

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