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Evidence Management

A former homicide investigator looks at investigative challenges of the digital era and how they’re affecting police
As criminals become more tech-savvy, so too must those who bring them to justice
Using specialized techniques, investigators unlock critical information for strong cases
Law enforcement agencies are considering opening small incinerators of their own — with state help
Its role in keeping communities safe will only grow – departments have to keep up
Authenticate and corroborate using device data
A pivotal 2020 case examines how TASER logs and video footage can impact an ongoing debate surrounding police use of force
Law enforcement faces a daunting challenge: an explosion of digital data coupled with overwhelming caseloads
Evidence and property held by police must be organized and secured – here’s what you need
Transforming asset management in law enforcement
In one Oakland case, a suspect has been charged with murder in part due to evidence obtained from a Tesla vehicle parked near the crime scene
Choose technology that will accommodate the current and future applications of AI
Using advanced technology for more efficient investigations

New technology provides attorney-informed solutions for digital evidence management
Download this Police1 laser scanners buying guide to learn key steps for product selection, purchasing and implementation
“It was getting to the point that my clothes were smelling like marijuana. It smelled like I smoked weed all the time. My sweat is starting to smell like marijuana.”
How law enforcement can use AI to manage the surge in multimedia evidence, gain actionable insights and speed investigations
Understanding how these technologies store and manage data is essential for accurately extracting and attributing information during forensic examinations
Evidence management is anything but straightforward these days, but no less critical; these products and procedures can help
LEAs that interact with the federal government must adhere to its requirements – here’s an overview
Exploring how everyday mobile technology empowers law enforcement with tools to track, investigate and solve crimes through detailed call records and location data
iDEMS helps extract valuable data to solve investigations more efficiently by automating workflows from data silos into a secure, centralized AI-driven system
Simplify digital evidence management through AI technology
Cellebrite Inseyets is designed for advanced and rapid extraction of comprehensive evidence from the latest Android and iOS devices
A ticket to Axon Week 2024 gets you access to both TASERCON and Axon Accelerate
Digital investigation technology can help turn up leads when traditional investigations stall
Lithium-Ion rechargeable batteries, survival ammo and a Faraday bag caught my attention
The lawsuit comes after Google announced its decision to end geofence warrants in December