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New episodes of ‘COPS’ TV show now streaming on Fox Nation

The remaining 19 episodes of the latest season will be released every Friday at 6 p.m. ET

By Sarah Calams

NEW YORK — The second half of season 33 of the law enforcement-themed docuseries “COPS” is now available for streaming on Fox Nation.

The remaining 19 episodes will be released every Friday at 6 p.m. ET. The latest season’s first 15 episodes premiered in October 2021. An additional 12 episodes were added to season 31 and 18 more were added to season 32 in the streaming service’s library.

Starting March 4, Fox Nation will also start releasing new episodes of “COPS: All Access with Geraldo,” a limited series hosted by Fox News Channel’s Geraldo Rivera, which will feature interviews with law enforcement officials.

In honor of the new season, Fox Nation will continue to offer a free, one-year subscription for all first responders.

NEXT: TV cops: Fact vs. myth