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Gang Codes: Unraveling the “Bloods” history mystery

Mysterious documents, written in an unknown language, which when deciphered, translated, and transcribed, reveal a detailed historical account. Another Dead Sea Scroll discovered? No. This describes a set of nineteen pages of ornate and complex code recently mailed to a correctional facility.

Officials at this facility had the local police check the return address on the envelope and the address was found to be a phony.

The addressee is probably not the intended recipient, rather the addressee appears to be a “cut out” who was sent this material and who in turn is supposed to give it to the intended recipient. Both the author of this historical material and the intended recipient seem to part of this “history mystery.”

The code was sent my way and I set about cracking it. This article will explain the process I used.

Stage I: Identify the gang
The first mystery to solve was to determine which gang the author belonged to. As I examined one of the pages (Illustration #1), I noticed that the writer used the Bloods gang identifier “031.”

Illustration #1:


Stage II: Look for common, translatable phrases
The next mystery was to try and find some letters and words I could translate to English.

The page below (Illustration #2) gave me three letters of the alphabet.

The Bloods gang uses the phrase “200 Deep” to indicate that they are using code symbols, phrases or numbers. These symbols must translate to the word “DEEP”:

Illustration #2:


Another four letters of the alphabet were revealed when examining the next page (Illustration #3). The highlighted symbols almost certainly translate to the word “BLOOD”:

Illustration #3:


Stage III: Graph translated letters into a code symbol template
Continuing my examination of these pages enabled me to decipher the code used in this material.

The code symbol template is shown below (Illustration #4):

Illustration #4:


Stage IV: Translate and transcribe
As I translated and transcribe portions of these pages, I began to realize that several detailed historical documents were contained within the document.

One five-page passage entitled “West Coast Chronicles,” explains in detail — through the eyes of the author — the history of how gangs developed and grew on the west coast.

I realized this could potentially be a very significant piece of information.

The ‘West Coast Chronicles”
Illustrations #5 through #9 show the original document, “West Coast Chronicles,” in code form followed by my translated and transcribed versions:

Illustration #5:


Translation of Illustration 5:

*West Coast Chronicles*

What you are about to read is one history. The way it’s
been put down for 5 generations by triple and double O.G.’s.
The purpose of these words are not to contradict anybody
or prove anybody wrong. The purpose is to open eyes that
are blind and to shine light on minds that need to Be Led
Out of Darkness <BLOOD>. These words are simply truth and
truth can’t get faded, or disputed, it just be. Our big homies,
of our hoods, and of our people alive. Throughout your travels
you will encounter many many who claim to be DAMU RIDDERS, but,
do not be deceived. Just because someone toss it up, drips,
sags and hoo bangs doesn’t make them DAMU nor mean
they are bloodin. To change the original way of bloodin is
to change blood, and if you change blood, then it’s no longer
blood. Many will claim, few will rep. Put it down to them. Those
that reject the truth of big homies, they are poser, posin as
Damu. The big homies have come together and put it down for
the world and their truth will touch the five corners of the
world/earth. Bangin or set tripping has always existed in
California and will always exist so long as there is people
in the hoods. Set trippin the way we know it to be today
started between 1968 and 1971. Before 1968, the major sets were
The Gladiators, Blood Alleys, Businessman, Ditalian, Roarin 20’s,
Avalons, Rebel Rousers, Farmers and Slausons. It
was after the Watts riots between 1968 and 1970 that the New
Generation sets began to emerge, sets like the Brims, Eastside
Villians, Avalon Park Boys, Bounty Hunters, Be-Bops, Swans an Bishops.
Damu history begins with Pirus, but it was cemented in the
minds by Brims. They are the first born of these new generation
sets. They were the Hat Boys back in 1968. Godfather General
Robert Lee was a OG of Hat Boys alongside Eddie Jones,
Pumpkin and Felix, who first brought Godfather General Lee into

Illustration #6:


Translation of Illustration 6:

the Hatboys, all of them are triple O.G’s. At the time
flags and colors really didn’t mean much, although, a brown
flag was for hustlers and a green flag was for money makers.
Hatboys identified themselves by wearing wide brim hats,
1 cuff up, 1 cuff down, and a rabbit foot. In 1969, it’s said that
General Lee started the L.A. Brim Army. Eddie is the originator
and recognized by many as the originator of Damus. Although,
Damu as we know it was yet to come. It was during this
time that the original Pirus were forming in Compton over
in Piru street. Sylvester Scott and Vincent Owens are
credited as the originators of Blood (Piru Bloods). It is
said that they founded Piru Bloods in the South Central
section of Compton. In 1968/69 a kid named Raymond Washington
pulled together a little gang of kids at Fremont High
School in Watts. After a
robbery of some Japanese people, the cops arrived and
with broken English one lady tried describing one of
Raymonds friends who had a cane and limping by yelling,
Crip, the name sayed. At the same time over in Compton,
a 16 year old called Tookie, a sophomore at Washington
High, along with three other kids, started up the West
Side Crips. The identified with Acey Ducey Hats and
Canes. They were also wearing blue bandanas that were
worn throughout their robberies. The turning point
leading to the birth of Damu came that year with (3)
incidents involving Crips. First, a fight went down where
a Crip got smoked and also a Brim, Lil Kountry Fred (R.I.P.),
Lil Kountrys’ funeral was held in Crip territory and Crips
ruined it and flipped over the casket, wrote all types of things
on it and in the sign in book. This set off the war between
Brims and Crips. By this time Brims was getting deep
and feared, other sets could have sided with anybody,
Crips included, but they got down with the Brims.

Illustration #7:


Translation of Illustration 7:

Sets like Avalon Park boys, Bounty Hunters and Eastside Villians
(who changed their name to Bloodstone Villians in 1971). Pirus were
associated with Crips but that ain’t work and when Pirus
started smoking Crips, Pirus and Brims forged alliances that
was the 1st and 2nd incidents. The 3rd incident went down when the
Bishops lined up with Bounty Hunters, Denver Lanes, Be-Bops,
Swans and Pueblos who were already linked to Brims and Pirus,
and bangin against Crips. Here is where the line of affiliation
were drawn and the stage was set for Damu to emerge. The Alley
Bishops and Block Bishops, Blood sets, became organized
in the middle of Nickerson Gardens and Imperial Courts, further
north, in a project called Pueblo Del Rio, the Pueblo Bishops,
also Bloods, formed to fight Crips who were emerging. Crips like
Kitchen Crips and Grape Street Watts Crips, Imperial Gangster Crips.
Bishops Blood Family was mainly in Compton but also on the
westside of Watts. They had many chapters who all became Blood
affiliated. In the early 1970’s, brothers were coming home from the
Vietnam War and calling each other Blood, a term that was originated
Amongst black and brown brothers during the war, soon, kids thru
out all hoods were calling each other Blood, Crips included. The rule
was that if your homie was fighting one on one, you couldn’t jump
in unless your family was involved, Crips were jumping in to
the homies fight saying he/she is their cousin and Damus would
do the same saying he/she is their blood brothers/blood sisters.
Damus were also wearing red flags to symbolize their blood
position. Blood can not be said to be completed until the 5 point
star was introduced. The 5 was brought to Los Angeles by
T. Rodgers (T. Perfect Rodgers-a famous warrior), after the watts
riots, revolutionary movements were coming out to California to
establish chapters. Organizations like the Black Panther Party,
United Slaves (U.S) and representatives of both 5 and 6 point
star affiliations. Black power was in full swing. It’s even said
that Pirus were originally (Powerfull Intellectual Radical

Illustration #8:


Translation of Illustration 8:

Units of Soldiers). In 1969, T. Rodgers arrived in Los
Angeles from Chicago with an open letter from on of the main
21’s to open up a chapter of what at the time was known as the
Mighty P. Stone Rangers aka Black P. Stone. He formed a
community based organization on the Westside in the jungle
On 9th Ave. between Montclair and Jefferson. Before long B.P.S
were so deep and controlled 5 parks: (Jim Gillary, Vine Yard,
Jackie Robinson, Queen Anne and 2nd Ave.) T. Rodgers taught classes
twice a week and he taught that we are Black Prince Stones,
Black People Stones and Black Power Stones. One of the
Stone lessons are (Stones Don’t Die, They Multiply) the definition
is (Crush A Stone You Get Sand, A Bunch Of Little Stones). As
time went on, a lot of B.P.S in Chicago eventually
changed their name to El Rukins (Cornerstone) and moved
into a more political route. Pirus and Brims are the
first Blood sets but B.P.S is the first Damu set until the
5 . The main 21 nations make up the pyramid and there are also
small sets affiliated with the five. The Peoples are represented

The stands for or Folk Killers. The five affiliation
began in Chicago in the mid-60’s and most 5 point star
headquarters are in Chicago’s North Side. Jeff Fort (The Bull)
and the rest of the main 21’s are the ones who originally teach
the essence of the five. All 5 point star nations has 5 points
or principles that’s incorporated into their constitutions. The
basis and essence of the 5 point star, or 5, is the number of
man, man has 5 senses: Sight, Hearing, Taste, Touch and Smell. Man
is made up of 5 elements: Air, Earth, Fire, Water and Spirit. Man
himself stands at 5 points , which is Allah (Arm, Leg, Leg, Arm, Head)
manifested in man/woman. We know that man in it’s original
state, being black, in the beginning there was only darkness.
5 sar stands within their square on a 45 angle with right
overruling our wrong. The left symbolizes the healthy revolution
(leftwing extremists, leftist guerillas, etc.)

Illustration #9:


Translation of Illustration 9:

Five stands for what is right and represents the left.
Five salutes with the right and the right travels to the left
towards the heart and revolution. Five flags on the left, this
distinguishes 5 from 6 star. 5 from 6. The enlightened will find
balance. This is the principle of , in the right you will find
the left, in the left you will discover what is right. Five (5) is
for man and woman who is God in the flesh and is for those
who are oppressed by the beast (6). As the beast is the enemy
of man and God, 5 is against 6 and any aligned with it. Folks
are those who represent 6, the number of the beast. They flag
and . The Folks Nation includes Disciples who are , or Black
Gangster Disciples or who are Black Gangster Disciples.
Folks derived from the original Devil Disciples, their ancestors.
Other Folk sets are Spanish Cobras, Latin Eagles, Imperial Gangster,
Millwaukee Kings and Counts. It was Black Gangster Disciples who
brought Crips under the Folk Nation 6, which is why they call
themselves 6 shooters.
EPILOGUE: Only one basic history of the origins of Bloodin
has been put down here so that a basic understanding can be
gained. There is much history and insight to be gained through
the study of one history, so much that it would be futile
to try to capture every aspect on paper since not only is it
vast to begin with but new pages would have to be written
everyday. Each has it’s own history and has contributed to Search
out our history, Discover our history, Understand our history,
Teach our history and Make history as you continue to Blood.
These are the 5 plateaus or stages of Damu history and

Basic Advanced History (1)
The second detailed history within these confiscated documents is a three page gang history entitled “Basic Advanced History (1).”

The original code pages and the translated and transcribed versions are shown in (Illustrations #10 through #12).

Illustration #10:


Translation of Illustration 10:

*Basic Advanced History* <1>

Moors out of Africa spread throughout the world and influenced
the religion of Islam by the sword in Spain, in the Caribean Islands,
mainly Jamaica, Afrikans and natives embraced the principal fundamentals
of the Moor Philosophy. Most noted was Nannas’ brother Cudjoe who
fought of white British occupation with his Army of Maroons. Also,
the rebellion of Morant Bay in 1865 against the oppressive British.
Moors have a form of Islam based on the ancient sciences: Dr. Noble
Drew Ali instituted the Moorish Temple of Science headquartered in
Maryland. Members wear maroon colored fezes with long black
In Chicago, when Peace Stone Rangers from Blackstone street
were implementing their teachings of peace, they adopted Moor philosophy
not N.O.I as many believe. The Rangers where the Airborne Division
of black brothers that were coming from the U.S. Army, Vietnam war, and
tought tactics of guerilla warfare to the street organizations! Jeff
Fort a.k.a. The Bull who is at the top of the 5, Peoples Nation 21, in
1981, him and Larry Hoover split Chicago (along with Eugene and David
Barksdale from Woodlawn) down to organizations that had to align
with People – 5 or Folks – 6. Stones had changed their name to El Rukins
which means: Cornerstone) studied Moors teachings and took to wearing
the colors Maroon or Burgundy and Black. So did Blood Stone Villians
and many Damu hoods as an alternative to Red flagging. Burgundy
represents the Maroon People. Prior to this, many hoods were formal in
__?___ due to Brims and Pirus branching out from under Raymond
Washington to form their own identities caused by the murder and disrespect
of Lil Kountry, Fred (R.I.P.), a Brim. T. Rodgers and his almighty Black
Race Stones just so happen to be living in Brim hood and by a choice

Illustration #11:


Translation of Illustration 11:

Join the war and bang with Brims and Pirus against Crips because
Crips started coming B.P.S. brothers!! Swan Gang and Bishops family
formed alliances as well, to distinguish from cousins, Damu came up
with a stronger concept of relation (blood brothers and blood sisters)
(relatives), from there Damu was born!! T. Rodgers proposed the new
organization to The Bull as a People organization at the time Damu
adopted the bloodline constitution that George Jackson (long live) drafted
up for his Black Guerilla Family (B.G.F.) who are also representatives of
the Peoples Nation! In 1982/83 Piru General Peabody drafted up
constitution from San Quentin, United Blood Nation, homies that stepped
in the pens had to drop the “hood claimin” and black on black violence no
matter Crip or enemy, because it exerts too much energy from focusin
on the common enemies (Racist Pigs, Aryans, Mexican Mafia, etc.). Miller
Gangsta Bloods from Englewood off of East Miller Street between 104 and
106 are a branch of Piru, Pirus are from Compton and stretch from Piru
Street (Tree Top Hood) thru the Jungle which is over a hundred blocks
thru Athens Park and Denver Lane! Englewood Family hood has the big
homie Mr. Good Bar and Queen Anne (Mack 10 hood) is one of the smaller
hoods in the wood. The founder of the New York chapter of Damu was a
Miller Gangsta Blood and chose to start Gangster Miller Bloods on the
East along with Nine Trey Gangster Bloods to symbolize his roots
And the year Damu officially started in New York and Tri-State! People
flag burgundy, red, green brown, yellow (gold) to the left, but Damus flag right
because, when those hoods broke off from Crips, who were/is left, did not
want to identify at all with Crips, wore red flag right. Vice Lords
Kings, etc. flag left. Folks is an acronym for Followers Of Lord
King Satan with Pitch Forks, etc. Their 6 points come from the
indoctrination of the disciple leaders Larry Hoover and David Barksdale

Illustration #12:


Translation of Illustration 12:

as above so is below, 666 is 6 to the 3rd power, the color blue to Crips
stand for Sworn Devotion, while Damus stand for choice of circumstance
due to situation at hand and under the circumstances Damu choice to
pick up another color and live a new way, Five Alive!!

First, we solved the mystery of what gang the author belongs to.

Second, we set about deciphering identifiable letters and words in order to construct an alphabet translatable to English.

Third, by using this alphabet, we translated and transcribed the pages of the document, in turn discovering a detailed account of how certain gangs formed and developed.

However, the identity of the author and the intended recipient continue to remain an unsolved part of this “History Mystery.”

Gary Klivans is a gang consultant and lecturer specializing in gang codes. He retired with the rank of Captain from the Westchester County (NY) Department of Correction. Captain Klivans was employed for nearly 10 years as a District Attorney Investigator (Police Officer) serving in the New York State counties of Westchester and Putnam. He investigated crimes defined by the Penal and Criminal Procedure Law including white collar crime, organized crime and political corruption. He also performed surveillance and crime scene photography and conducted surreptitious entries.