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On-demand webinar: Blue Shield wellness: Navigating mental health, physical fitness and family life in law enforcement

Take care of yourself to better take care of others

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Law enforcement is a unique occupation that is sometimes difficult for outsiders to understand. While incredibly rewarding in some respects, the role frequently involves hidden difficulties and challenges for those who choose its path: Stress, divorce, PTSD, physical and mental health challenges and more. While law enforcement personnel are by nature protecting and taking care of others, they sometimes need to remember to take care of themselves.

This webinar outlines some of the unique challenges facing those in law enforcement. Our panel of experts provide new insight, helpful tips and indispensable advice in three critical areas: Understanding and mitigating divorce risks, mental health and resiliency and physical wellness and fitness.

  • Kris Holzmeyer, Executive Director of Thin Blue 1st, focuses on the high divorce rate among law enforcement officers and discuss unique strategies for maintaining healthy family relationships despite the myriad of challenges and stressors in law enforcement work.
  • Addressing the mental health challenges faced by law enforcement officers, including stress, anxiety and PTSD, Lonnie Clouse, Executive Director of First Responders 1st, and Troy Rodgers, police and public safety psychologist, offers practical tips for mindfulness, accessing mental health resources and techniques for building psychological resilience.
  • Detailing the importance of physical fitness in law enforcement, Mandy Nice, Senior Strategic Wellness Director at Lexipol, discusses injury prevention, tailored fitness routines, nutrition advice and sleep hygiene, all aimed at integrating a healthy lifestyle with the demanding schedule of law enforcement duties.


“A lot of good information. The panel was great.”

“Diverse group of presenters and in-depth knowledge base.”

“The insight from the panelists was very informative.”

“The panel discussion was great. Getting to hear from different perspectives was very beneficial.”

“The presenters were prepared and knowledgeable. The information they shared was presented in a way that was understandable.”



L - R: Kris Holzmeyer, Lonnie Clouse, Troy Rodgers, Mandy Nice

Kris Holzmeyer was born and raised in Southwest Indiana. He graduated from the University of Southern Indiana in 1997 with his B.S. in Public Relations. Mr. Holzmeyer completed his Masters Degree from Liberty Theological Seminary in 2004. Kris comes from a law enforcement family with one relative who serves as a detective and another who serves as a patrol sergeant. He is accredited through the International Conference of Police Chaplains (ICPC) as well as the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA). Kris is the executive director of Thin Blue 1st ( and has served for ten years as chaplain for four law enforcement agencies in SW Indiana: Evansville Police Department, Vanderburgh County Sheriff’s Office, Warrick County Sheriff’s Office, and the Newburgh Police Department. Kris has been married to his wife Missy for 27 years. The Holzmeyers have two children ages 19 and 15.

Lonnie Clouse is the Founder and Executive Director of First Responders 1st ( He spent 17 years in the sport of NASCAR as a chaplain, and he now invests in the lives of first responders. He has a Masters Degree from Liberty Theological Seminary and is certified to lead individual and group debriefings following critical incidents. His non-profit is currently serving eight first responder agencies by providing emotional and spiritual support.

Dr. Troy Rodgers is a police and public safety psychologist who has been practicing in the Southwest for the last 20 years. He has been the Agency Director for Public Safety Psychology Group LLC (PSPG) since 2004. At the present time, he works as a consultant/psychologist for over 500 local, state, and federal law enforcement, fire, dispatch/communications, and corrections agencies. He is an active member of the International Association of Chiefs of Police, the National Sheriff’s Association (Board Member), the Society for Rural Law Enforcement Executives Association (Board Member), and the Society for Police and Criminal Psychology. Dr. Rodgers is a former adjunct faculty member at the University of Phoenix and he has also taught at the University of New Mexico and Central New Mexico Community College. Dr. Rodgers has a master’s degree and a doctorate in clinical forensic psychology from the University of Denver. He is currently licensed in New Mexico as a Psychologist. In the past he was licensed as a Professional Clinical Counselor, School Psychologist, and School Counselor.

Mandy Nice has over 18 years of experience developing and implementing national award-winning physical fitness and wellness programs that measurably improve the health, strength, quality of life and resilience of first responders. Her work has been featured in the highly esteemed International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) Police Chief Magazine and the FBI National Academy Associate Magazine. She has served as an SME and professional speaker for industry-leading organizations including the U.S. BJA, National Justice Clearinghouse, National FOP and the IACP. As the National Strength and Conditioning Association’s Tactical Program Manager, Mandy teamed with world-renowned subject matter experts to create educational resources that have continued to advance law enforcement wellness nationwide. Mandy is Lexipol’s Senior Strategic Wellness Director and Chair of the IACP Physical Wellness Working Group. Her greatest motivator is helping first responders optimize their health so that they can enjoy strong, rewarding careers and long, healthy retirements.