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John Erich

Branded Content Lead

John Erich is a Branded Content Project Lead for Lexipol. He is a career writer and editor with more than two decades of experience covering public safety and emergency response.

It’s a safety measure that protects not only officers but citizens and property too
We know what’s behind today’s hiring difficulties, and one of the answers may be a more agile hiring process
Captured plate data can be used for traffic control, greater safety and new sources of revenue
Different needs call for different degrees of firearm protection
Budgets and bandwidth may vary, but there are many ways to stay connected
Automatic citation capabilities are included, but it all starts with the cameras
They now come included, but you can still use your own as well
Insight LPR’s integration of commercial data dramatically expands law enforcement’s reach
Evidence and property held by police must be organized and secured – here’s what you need
It’s helping identify both lapsed drivers and dangerous criminals