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Parents turn children in after LAPD releases security footage of gas station robberies

Since July, at least 14 7-Eleven stores in Los Angeles have been targeted by organized groups arriving on bicycles, stealing items and causing damage to store property

By Joanna Putman

LOS ANGELES — The Los Angeles Police Department announced that the parents of three teenagers, allegedly involved in flash mob-style robberies at convenience stores, brought their children to police stations for arrest, NBC Los Angeles reported.

Since July, at least 14 7-Eleven stores in Los Angeles have been targeted by organized groups arriving on bicycles, stealing items and causing damage to store property, according to the report. The LAPD shared images and video clips from the robberies in hopes of identifying those involved.

LAPD Assistant Chief Blake Chow said the surrenders were prompted by the department’s release of security footage from the incidents last week.

“We’re still taking tips in and hope to get more information regarding the individuals engaging in these flash mobs,” Chow said during a meeting with the Board of Police Commissioners.

The teens were released while prosecutors evaluate the evidence, according to the report.

“It’s interesting to hear that parents themselves were active in getting their children to be held accountable,” said Commissioner Rasha Gerges Shields, vice president of the police commission.

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