By Police1 Staff
So you’ve decided to enter the civil service and make a career out of protecting others.
Becoming a cop is a respectable job that you can be proud of, and it comes with a host of benefits unique to the profession.
How much do cops get paid?
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2023 the average cop made about $74,910 per year, or roughly $36.02 per hour. In comparison, the median American salary in 2023 was about $66,621 per year.
Where are the highest and lowest pay for police officers?
The average cop’s salary will vary greatly depending on their location in the country. According to the BLS data, California offers the highest average annual salary at $111,770, with Washington following closely at $98,070 and Alaska at $94,660. The high cost of living in these states may contribute to higher salaries, while lower salaries correlate to lower costs of living in other states. Mississippi, where police officers earn on average $42,900 per year, has the second-lowest cost of living in the United States, behind Arkansas, where median salaries for police officers averages $46,800.
The sweet spot of above-average police pay and a lower cost of living can likely be found in Texas, Midwest states like Indiana, Missouri and Ohio, and states in the South like Georgia, Tennessee and North Carolina. Urban and suburban departments are likely to pay slightly more than rural departments, but housing may be more affordable in less-populated areas.
Salary by police rank
Police officer ranks are generally modeled after the military. Each additional rank demands more responsibility but also comes with an increased salary.
As of 2024, a starting police officer in Dallas, Texas will make about $70,314, increasing to $91,734 after nine years of service. A senior corporal will start at $89,054, increasing to $100,243 after four years. Salaries increase as officers promote through the ranks. Should an officer be promoted to police sergeant, their salary will top out at $110,649 after three years of service. Lieutenants’ pay tops out at $130,944 after the same number of years.
How can a police officer make extra pay?
Many police departments offer additional incentive pay for educational level, fluency in different languages and different certifications and specialized skills. Positions like trainers, K-9 handlers, tactical team members, drone operators, crisis negotiators, firearms instructors and accident scene reconstruction are a few of the positions that earn extra pay.
Additionally, officers can earn additional pay for working the night shift or hazardous or undercover duty. Officers with specialized training and certifications in computer forensics, crime scene investigation or intelligence can earn additional stipends as well.
What benefits do cops have?
Some benefits of being a cop include overtime wages, increased pay for certain assignments, the opportunity to work second jobs and paid vacation time. Police officers also pay less for health insurance and may be eligible for free health screenings.
Many police officers become eligible to retire and receive pension payments after 20 years of service with the force. The amount varies between cities, but is often based on your highest-earning years with the department. A typical formula for a defined benefit pension is 2.5% times years of service times final salary.
Cops receive some benefits from being municipal employees, and may be eligible to retire earlier than most. If you are able to handle the unique stressors of police work, it’s possible to make a living on the pay and benefits that come with being a police officer.
This article, originally published on September 15, 2016, has been updated with more current information.