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Magnet Spotlight: ALERT - Alberta Law Enforcement Response Teams

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“If you can save a child, it’s very rewarding. At the end of the night, you’re proud of the job that you did. You can truly say you’ve changed a child’s life. Children are one of our most vulnerable aspects of society. So. you have to do it.” – Corporal Kimberley Krasman, Forensic Examiner/Digital Acquisition Specialist, RCMP

ALERT operates with one overarching goal: to create safer communities for everyone in Alberta, Canada. ALERT brings 400 municipal police and RCMP officers together in teams to investigate everything from drug trafficking to child exploitation to gang violence.

In this video, we showcase the incredible dedication of the people within ALERT to protect victims, particularly of child exploitation. We followed the team as they executed a warrant to arrest a suspect for downloading CSAM and talked to them more about why drives them to do this work, day after day.

We also talked to the digital forensics team, including Team Lead Allen LaFontaine, about their use of Magnet Forensics products and how they’ve been helpful in protecting the innocent.

Thank you to the ALERT team for sharing your story with us and trusting us to tell it. And thank you for all of your efforts to help the people of Alberta.