By Thomas Tracy
New York Daily News
NEW YORK CITY — A city Correction Department captain was suspended Wednesday after her husband apparently posted a blistering rant on their shared Facebook page calling NYPD cops “pigs” and advocating shooting them, the Daily News has learned.
The nutso post appeared Tuesday night on a private Facebook page shared by Correction Captain La Shonda Stanley and her husband Rashid Stanley, sources said. The post was in response to outrage over cops being doused with water by rowdy troublemakers in viral videos during the weekend heatwave.
The unhinged message, signed “Mr. Stanley,” lambastes those supporting the soaked and humiliated cops.
“How easily people forget. Y’all upset about some pigs getting water thrown on them,” the post reads. “All the innocent black men and women killed at the hands of these pigs. Y’all forgot ‘Eric Gardner’ (sic) killer just got off with murder, on camera!”
The post then takes aim at cops who dismiss ugly cases of police brutality as the deeds of a few bad apples.
“For those so called good cops that will say ‘Not all cops are bad’... death to you scumbags also, you stand by and allow your fellow officers to do wrong, you guilty as well,” the post reads.
“It’s time we shoot back!!!” the post adds. “Cop killers stand up!!!!”
The post was shared with disdain among shocked law enforcement officers throughout the city,
“This came from an NYC Corrections officer,” one angry social media commented when passing around the post. “Speechless.”
Stanley has told friends and Correction Department colleagues she was not responsible for the post, blaming her husband, a source said.
On Wednesday, Correction Commissioner Cynthia Brann ordered Stanley’s suspension.
Stanley had been with the department since 2004 and was currently assigned to Rikers Island. Until this incident, she was on a short list for a promotion, officials said.
“I will not tolerate this type of behavior from anyone in my department against members of the NYPD or any other law enforcement officer in this country,” Brann said in a statement. “An investigation is underway and the officer has been suspended pending outcome.”
“The NYPD is aware and is investigating the incident,” NYPD spokeswoman Sgt. Mary Frances O’Donnell said.
Law enforcement sources speculated her suspension could be come permanent.
“She’s telling everyone it was her husband that did it, but it’s still an arrestable offense,” said a source. “She’s going to pay a high price for this. Everyone is on fire over this.”
Attempts to reach Stanley and her husband for comment were not successful Wednesday.
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