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Video: Preparing a proper response

In this video tactical tip, Police1 Contributor Gary T. Klugiewicz discusses the three critical elements for a police officer’s proper response for any given contact during any given patrol shift. Gary explains that remaining alert, being decisive, and having a pre-planned, practiced response to any given situation can keep you or a fellow officer from being either injured or killed.

Gary has been involved for over fifteen years in the development of both training & duty trauma protective equipment. He is currently employed by as a Use-of-Force subject matter expert, researcher, program developer, and training specialist where he continues to provide tactical communication skills and defensive tactics training. His collaboration with the Force Science Research Center, Team One Network, Northeast Wisconsin Technical College, Verbal Judo Institute, and Purposeful Development Associates allows him to bring the most current tactical and instructional insights into his training programs. He is the lead instructor for Verbal Judo’s Tactical Communication for the Correctional Professional training program.