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Video: Handcuffed woman steals patrol car

Officers handcuffed the woman and sat her in the passenger side of the patrol car

By Police1 Staff

TULSA, Okla. — Newly released video shows a handcuffed woman taking off in an officer’s patrol vehicle, NewsOn6 reported.

Officers stopped 36-year-old Angie Frost in March of this year for driving a stolen car. The video from the incident shows officers handcuffing Frost and seating her in the passenger side of the patrol car while they searched the stolen vehicle.

Officers stood outside the vehicle while Frost slid into the driver’s side.

“What is she doing?” footage shows one officer asking.

“She’s trying to steal your car,” responded the other.

Frost took off while officers radioed for assistance. She was apprehended after getting out at a motel and trying to flee.

Frost pleaded guilty to four counts earlier this year and was sentenced to three years in prison.