By Police1 Staff
LOS ANGELES — Charles “Sid” Heal, a retired police commander and combat veteran known nationally for his tactical expertise, died on May 24.
Heal joined the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department in 1977 and retired after 33 years. He was recognized as an expert and innovator of tactical science and less lethal police concepts, having taught nationally and internationally. Heal also served as the president of the California Association of Tactical Officers and the national chair of the Strategy and Development Section for the National Tactical Officers Association.
Heal authored three books, the latest of which was “Concepts of Non-lethal Force: Understanding Force from Shouting to Shooting.” Heal spoke about his book last year on Police1’s Policing Matters podcast with host Jim Dudley. You can listen to that episode here.
Heal retired from the Marine Corps Reserve after 35 years and four combat tours.