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9 roads that are a dispatcher’s absolute worst nightmare

The job of a dispatcher is hard enough, but when you have roads in town with names like these, it can be an absolute nightmare

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The job of a dispatcher is hard enough, but when you have roads in town with names like these, it can be an absolute nightmare. If you’re anywhere near these particular roads, please get yourself a block or two away before calling 911. It’ll be a lot easier on everybody.

1) A Road – Oakville, Ontario

9 Roads That Are a Dispatcher's Absolute Nightmare. A Road

Officer: “Where’s he at?”

Dispatch: “He’s down A road.”

Officer: “What road?”

Dispatch: “A road”

*Shout out to fan Sam James on that one.

2) Notta Road – Franklin, NC

9 Roads That Are a Dispatcher's Absolute Nightmare. Notta Road

Dispatch: “Your next right is Notta Road.”

Officer: “Yes it is.”

Dispatch: “Exactly.”

3) This and That Road – Weiser, ID

9 Roads That Are a Dispatcher's Absolute Nightmare. This and That Road

Dispatch: “Accident reported on This and That Road.”

Officer: “Well, which one is it?”

4) This Street, That Street, The Other Street – Porters Lake, NS, Canada

9 Roads That Are a Dispatcher's Absolute Nightmare. This and That Road

Dispatch: “Take a left on This Street, not That Street. Suspect is on the corner of The Other Street.”

5) This A-Way & That A-Way Avenue – Fair Haven, VT

9 Roads That Are a Dispatcher's Absolute Nightmare. This and That Road

Dispatch: “Take a right on This A-Way.”

Officer: “Missed it. Can I take That A-Way?”

6) Somewhere Drive & Where Else Lane – Milwaukie, OR

9 Roads That Are a Dispatcher's Absolute Nightmare. Somewhere Drive

Dispatch: “Suspect is reported to be on foot. Ran up Somewhere.”

Officer: “Okay...where else should I look?”

Dispatch: “No, we already checked Where Else.”

7) The Wrong Road – Weaverville, CA

9 Roads That Are a Dispatcher's Absolute Nightmare. The Wrong Road

Dispatch: The Wrong Road is where you want to be.

Officer: So, The Wrong Road is the right road?

8) Wong Way – San Jose, CA

9 Roads That Are a Dispatcher's Absolute Nightmare. Wong Way

Dispatch: “Stolen vehicle going up Wong Way.”

Officer: “Is he going the wong diwection?”

9) Goa Way – Paradise, CA

9 Roads That Are a Dispatcher's Absolute Nightmare. Goa Way

Officer: “What street am I looking for?”

Dispatch: “Goa Way.”

Officer: “Come on. Work with me here.”

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