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15 ways law enforcement has changed (for better or worse)

Whether through technology, policy, or leadership, law enforcement is always evolving. Some changes are arguably better or worse for the officers and community affected by them. We polled our Facebook fans to ask them what some of the most influential modifications have been within their agency recently (and some of you either have a very broad interpretation of the word ‘recently’ or your agency is truly still operating in the stone age). Take a look at the top 15 answers:

1.One of the best innovations was the inclusion of line Officers in tactical training. Patrol Officers were exposed to movement and firearm techniques previously reserved for Swat Officers. It enhanced confidence and performance Department wide. — Peter Stipe

2.With 3 suicides in a little over 18 months, my department has instituted a wellness program and allows its officers to work out during lunch! Officers who use the wellness program are kept secret and we do have an increase of officers who choose to work out during our hour long lunch! — Daniel K Byrd

3.Been on the job 35 years. Where do you want to start? How about toggle switch that turned on the emergency warning lights? — Drew Winans Sr

4.A change from a biased “I like you more so you get whatever you want” policy to an extremely fair and open policy with probably the best chief I have ever met. — Douglas Chewy Eby

5.Elected the first new Sheriff in forty years. Major safety and technology updates made. First uniform change made in forty years. — Michael Torres

6.A ridiculous tattoo policy. Subsequently, were now 40 officers short. #AintNobodyGotTimeForThat — Poppa Greene

7.Biggest thing was just catching up with the times...up until about 2 years ago guys were still turning in handwritten reports. We’re trying to get our radios up to par n switch from an old analog system to digital too. — David Gonzalez

8.Automation. Computer data. Online reporting in patrol vehicles. Tag readers. Tasers... — Patrick Hayes

9.Our department has just implemented a no tattoo policy. Starting in July while representing the police department you can not have any tattoos visible. Pretty prehistoric policy thinking that tattoos are just for criminals. — Roland Pagan

10.Pursuit policies. It used to be if they run you chase em. They run because they did something wrong. I guess too many of us didn’t have the discretion to call it off when we should have. — William Hare

11.When I started in 1986, my statement was taken and accepted by the court. Now in 2014, if it’s not recorded then it did not happen. Credibility and integrity are constantly called into question. — Roger Kinney

12.Computers. Especially computers in cars. On one hand they are a great tool. On the other the industry is becoming far too dependent upon them, to the point they are a distraction from the events unfolding beyond your windshield. — Mike Wilson

13.Tasers and shoulder cameras. — Bill Mumaw

14.The lack of personnel, we now work with less people but still get the job done. — John Epperson

15.NJ giving its officers OC spray in 2014. Light years behind. — Bryan Fu

“The Question” section brings together user-generated articles from the Police1 Facebook page based on questions we pose to our followers, as well as some of the best content we find on Quora, a question-and-answer website created, edited and organized by its community of users who are often experts in their field. The site aggregates questions and answers for a range of topics, including public safety.

The views and opinions expressed in the questions and answers posted directly from Quora do not necessarily reflect those of P1.