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Leadership development series: The importance of grit for police leaders

Grit-driven leaders model resilience for their teams, inspiring officers to approach difficulties with a sense of determination and unwavering commitment


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“Up,” a heartwarming animated film by Pixar, serves as an example of grit through its central character, Carl Fredricksen. The movie follows Carl’s journey as he embarks on an adventure to fulfill a promise he made to his late wife.

The story opens with a young Carl and his wife Ellie, who dream of traveling to Paradise Falls, a distant and exotic location. Life’s challenges repeatedly delay their plans, and Ellie eventually passes away, leaving Carl with a sense of unfulfilled dreams and a yearning to keep his promise to her.

As a retired balloon salesman, Carl finds himself facing eviction from his cherished home due to urban development. In an act of determination and defiance, he uses thousands of helium balloons to turn his house into an airborne vessel, setting a course for Paradise Falls. Along the way, he encounters unexpected challenges, including a young Wilderness Explorer named Russell who accidentally becomes a stowaway.

Despite the numerous obstacles and dangers, they face, Carl’s grit is evident in his unrelenting pursuit of his wife’s dream. He shows unwavering determination to reach Paradise Falls, even in the face of adversities that threaten to derail his mission. Carl’s passion for keeping his promise to Ellie fuels his perseverance, propelling him forward through both physical and emotional challenges.

Carl’s grit-driven leadership also shines through in his interactions with Russell. Despite his initial reluctance to have company on his journey, Carl gradually forms a bond with the young boy. He becomes a mentor figure, guiding Russell through challenges and teaching him valuable life lessons about resilience, empathy and the importance of keeping commitments.

Ultimately, Carl’s journey to Paradise Falls becomes a metaphor for his own personal growth. He learns to let go of his past regrets, embrace new friendships and find happiness in unexpected places. His grit-driven determination to honor his promise transforms not only his life but also the lives of those around him.

The leadership of police departments demands a unique set of qualities and skills, and among these, “grit” stands as a defining attribute that empowers police leaders to navigate complex challenges effectively. Grit, a combination of passion and perseverance toward long-term goals, is of paramount importance in police leadership. The significance of grit in the leadership of police departments is seen in showcasing its role in fostering resilience, guiding decision-making and cultivating a culture of excellence.


The ability to persevere through difficult situations while maintaining focus on the bigger picture allows police leaders to assess challenges and opportunities from a strategic perspective.

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Resilience in the face of adversity

Grit is the driving force behind resilience, an indispensable trait for police leaders. The law enforcement landscape is characterized by constant change, dynamic threats and high-stress situations. Leaders who possess grit are more likely to exhibit emotional and psychological resilience in such environments. They remain steadfast in the face of adversity, demonstrating a determination to overcome challenges rather than succumbing to them.

A police leader with grit understands that setbacks and failures are inherent to the profession. Rather than being discouraged by these obstacles, they view them as opportunities for growth and improvement. This perspective fosters a culture of continuous learning and adaptation within the department, allowing officers to evolve alongside the changing demands of society.

Furthermore, grit-driven leaders model resilience for their teams, inspiring officers to approach difficulties with a sense of determination and unwavering commitment.

Effective decision-making

Grit influences decision-making by guiding leaders to make informed choices that align with the department’s long-term goals. The ability to persevere through difficult situations while maintaining focus on the bigger picture allows police leaders to assess challenges and opportunities from a strategic perspective. Grit-driven leaders are less likely to be swayed by short-term pressures, enabling them to make decisions that prioritize the well-being of their officers and the community they serve.

In high-pressure situations, such as crisis management or critical incidents, police leaders with grit are less prone to succumbing to panic or making impulsive choices. Instead, they draw upon their resilience and determination to analyze the situation objectively and select the most appropriate course of action. This measured approach is vital for maintaining public trust and ensuring the safety of both officers and civilians.

Fostering a culture of excellence

The leadership style of police chiefs sets the tone for the entire department. Grit-driven leaders develop a culture of excellence by setting high standards and modeling the dedication required to achieve them. Their consistent pursuit of long-term goals serves as a powerful example for officers at all levels, motivating them to push their boundaries and strive for continuous improvement.

Furthermore, grit-driven leaders are more likely to emphasize the value of hard work and dedication within their departments. They recognize that success is not solely dependent on innate talent but also on the willingness to put in the effort required to achieve greatness. By championing this perspective, police leaders with grit inspire officers to approach their duties with a strong work ethic and a commitment to excellence.

Adapting to evolving challenges

The modern landscape of policing is marked by rapid technological advancements, shifts in societal expectations and evolving crime patterns. Grit-driven leaders are well-equipped to navigate these challenges due to their adaptability and willingness to embrace change. They recognize that the status quo is not sufficient and are unafraid to pursue innovative solutions that align with the department’s overarching mission. Grit-driven leaders see long-term goals and are not interrupted by momentary obstacles along the path. Grit-driven leaders lead their departments through these changes.

Grit in police leadership is closely tied to the concept of growth mindset – the belief that skills and abilities can be developed through dedication and effort. Leaders who possess grit are more likely to adopt a growth mindset, both for themselves and their teams. This mindset encourages the exploration of new strategies, the integration of advanced technologies, and the cultivation of a forward-thinking approach that ensures the department remains effective and efficient in the face of evolving challenges.

The importance of grit in the leadership of police departments cannot be overstated. Grit-driven leaders exhibit resilience in the face of adversity, make effective decisions guided by long-term goals, foster a culture of excellence and adapt to the ever-changing landscape of law enforcement. Their passion and perseverance inspire officers to confront challenges with determination, continuously improve their skills, and contribute to the safety and well-being of the communities they serve. As police departments navigate complex and dynamic environments, leaders armed with grit stand as beacons of strength and perseverance, guiding their agencies toward success. Grit will help you with your journey to Paradise Falls.

Topics for discussion

1. Grit as a source of motivation: How do leaders who possess grit effectively motivate their teams? How does their unwavering commitment to long-term goals inspire officers to persevere through challenges and setbacks? How do these leaders communicate their passion for the job and instill a sense of purpose in their department? How do you know when you are on the wrong path?

2. Cultivating grit in police officers: How can grit be nurtured and developed within police officers? What training and mentorship programs that aim to instill grit as a core characteristic are available to your officers? How can law enforcement agencies foster a growth mindset and encourage officers to embrace challenges as opportunities for growth?

3. Managing burnout and stress: Police leadership often faces high levels of stress and burnout. How do leaders with grit manage their own well-being and that of their teams? How does their resilience help them cope with the emotional toll of the job? How can their example promote a culture of self-care and mental health support within the department?

4. Grit in crisis management: What is the role of grit in crisis management situations? How do leaders with grit remain composed and make effective decisions during high-pressure incidents? What examples of leaders have you noticed where grit-driven leadership contributed to successful crisis resolution and maintaining public trust?

Click here to access the entire Leadership Development Series.

James Beyer is a deputy chief with the Irving (Texas) Police Department, currently assigned over field operations. He has 18 years of experience and has trained first-line supervisors from several agencies inside the Dallas-Ft. Worth metroplex for several years. Prior to law enforcement, he was a chiropractor.