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Baltimore PD makes headway with two consent decree milestones

“Injuries during transport have become extremely rare, and BPD now has in place the equipment, training, policies and practices to maintain this safety record,” the DOJ stated

Baltimore Police Department

“We are pleased the Baltimore Police Department has successfully implemented the reforms needed to safely transport detainees in its custody,” said Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke stated in the release.

Ulysses Muñoz/TNS

By Joanna Putman

BALTIMORE — The Baltimore Police Department has been found compliant with two consent decree assessments and is a step closer to reaching its reform goals, a DOJ release states.

Baltimore and the Department of Justice filed a motion to declare the police department to be in full compliance with provisions that require assessments of the safe transportation of people in custody and officer assistance and support, according to the release.

“We are pleased the Baltimore Police Department has successfully implemented the reforms needed to safely transport detainees in its custody,” said Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke stated in the release. “Injuries during transport have become extremely rare, and BPD now has in place the equipment, training, policies and practices to maintain this safety record. The Justice Department is committed to collaboratively working with the Baltimore Police Department and the community to ensure constitutional, fair and nondiscriminatory policing for all Baltimore residents.”

More than a dozen key provisions remain for the department, including provisions that require data analysis on police stops, according to the DOJ.