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The Smartest Police Body Worn Camera | BodyWorn by Utility, Inc.

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BodyWorn™ is the smartest body camera in the industry, helping police officers automatically capture, offload and view media evidence.

BodyWorn’s policy-based platform allows agencies to decide how to manage their smart-policing solution. Collected media uploads automatically to CJIS Compliant cloud-based storage, which greatly improves the security of agency databases.

Departments using BodyWorn have access to the AVaiL Web™ evidence management system where users can search incidents, track fleets, redact video and more under a secure chain-of-custody.

With this cost-effective solution, agencies experience software application updates that maintain pace with the growth and evolution of new technology.

• Automatic Policy-Based Recording Triggers
• Real-Time Communications
• Immediate Wireless Offload
• Secure Mounting System that works with any uniform
• Officer-Down Alerts and more...