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Johnson County, Iowa, Selects Harris Corporation’s P25IP System for Joint Emergency Communications Center

Standards-Based Communication System to Provide Statewide Interoperability for Johnson County’s First Responders

LAS VEGAS, NV/BOSTON, MA, — Harris Corporation (NYSE:HRS), an international communications and information technology company, has been selected by Johnson County, Iowa, to design and deploy a P25IP (Project 25 to the power of Internet Protocol) interoperable radio system to provide mission-critical communications for Johnson County’s Joint Emergency Communication Center. This new center consolidates all the police, fire and EMS dispatch operations of Iowa City with those of the Johnson County Sheriff’s Office. Built on the proven Harris VIDA® (Voice, Interoperability, Data, Access) network, the P25IP system will also connect legacy VHF, UHF and 800 MHz systems to forge local radio communications interoperability with regional, state, and federal resources in Iowa.

Harris will provide Johnson County with local support and services from Harris partner and dealer RACOM Corporation (, which specializes in advanced public safety network management. Johnson County now has access to statewide radio coverage through the use of RACOM’s current statewide network, as well as communication interoperability with up to 300 other agencies and 10,000 users on that network.

“Last year’s devastating floods were a powerful reminder of the need for a reliable communications system that connects our first responders throughout the county with other public safety agencies across the state,” said Sheriff Lonny Pulkrabek, Johnson County. “Harris is providing us a P25IP system that leverages existing radio systems and investments, provides us the advanced capabilities we need, and is compatible with the State of Iowa’s future statewide radio system.”

Johnson County’s new P25IP VIDA system is designed for immediate use with 800 MHz channels and new 700 MHz frequencies when they become available. It also supports communications between new and legacy systems to provide seamless interoperability with other agencies, regardless of frequency band, radio brand or operating mode. The simulcast system will have seven sites and employ geographically separated core management switches for redundancy. The system is P25 Phase 1-compliant and software upgradeable to the new P25 Phase 2 standard, ensuring connectivity and compatibility with future technologies.

“This system will provide Johnson County officials and first responders with the interoperability solution needed to communicate reliably during emergencies. The solution also allows the county the option of running broadband data and IP-based video surveillance across this network,” said Chuck Dougherty, president, Harris Public Safety and Professional Communications. “We’re confident their new IP-based system will serve as the model for advanced communications and data interoperability throughout the State of Iowa.”

“This is an important step towards Iowa’s goal of establishing a completely interoperable statewide radio network for first responders,” said Mike Miller, president, RACOM Corporation. “As an Iowa-based company for more than 30 years, RACOM is honored to support Johnson County and help provide tools the first responders need to stay safe and save lives in the face of an emergency.”

The P25IP network is based on the Harris IP-based VIDA network platform. The VIDA network is a cost-effective, interoperable radio communications technology that supports OpenSky®, P25 and other IP-based systems. It addresses voice and data communications needs of transportation, utility and public safety radio users around the world. It provides a full IP management platform, including interoperability without intervention of console operators; IP consoles; networking technology for both the P25 Phase 1 and Phase 2 technology standards; and other benefits inherent in open IP architecture systems.

Harris Public Safety and Professional Communications is a leading supplier of assured communications® systems and equipment for public safety, federal, utility, commercial and transportation markets, with products ranging from the most advanced IP voice and data networks, to industry leading multiband, multimode radios, to public safety-grade broadband video and data solutions. With more than 80 years of experience, Harris supports over 500 systems around the world.

About Harris Corporation
Harris is an international communications and information technology company serving government and commercial markets in more than 150 countries. Headquartered in Melbourne, Florida, the company has approximately $5 billion of annual revenue and 15,000 employees — including nearly 7,000 engineers and scientists. Harris is dedicated to developing best-in-class assured communications® products, systems, and services. Additional information about Harris Corporation is available at