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Police1 columnists share indispensable gear for new cops

Our experts weigh in on the top essential tools rookies need to ensure efficiency, comfort and safety on the job

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By Joanna Putman

Starting a career in law enforcement requires the right tools and equipment to ensure safety and efficiency on the job. For rookie police officers, having reliable and high-quality gear can make all the difference in daily duties. Our columnists compiled a list of the best products for rookie cops as they navigate their police officer career.

Todd Fletcher is the owner and lead instructor for Combative Firearms Training, LLC, providing training for law enforcement firearms instructors nationwide. With over 25 years of experience as a firearms and defensive tactics instructor, he retired after more than 31 years in law enforcement. Fletcher recommends rookie officers upgrade essential tools and stock up on educational materials.

This pen works upside down, in the rain and in any temperature conditions. Instead of trying to work with a cheap department-provided pen, invest in one that will last your entire career.
This small flashlight is durable, affordable and reliable. It works excellently to light up your notepad while taking a statement at night.
This book takes a real-world approach to training and tactics, teaching methods that will work outside the safe confines of the gym or training center.
Don’t leave your tourniquet in your car or in the bottom of a bag or pocket. Keep it close at hand for the moment you need to use it.

Warren Wilson is a captain, training commander, and rangemaster with an Oklahoma metropolitan police department, and has been a full-time law enforcement officer since 1996. He is a former SWAT team leader, current firearms instructor and certified De-Escalation Instructor and Force Science Analyst. Wilson recommends rookie officers use essential hydration and comfort items, as well as safety and emergency preparedness equipment.

Stanley cups are trending now, and for good reason. This tumbler will keep water cold throughout your shift to keep you cool and hydrated.
If you get caught directing traffic in the cold, you’ll want these to warm you up. If you’re working in a warmer environment, consider a car or body fan.
If you are allowed to use non-uniform rain gear while on duty, this Frog Toggs poncho is an excellent choice.
These glasses provide protection from the sun as well as impact protection. To learn more about why sun protection is critical for officers, click here.

Commander Eric Tung has been a police officer for 16 years in Washington State and currently oversees patrol operations as well as his department’s wellness and peer support programs. He has led and innovated recruiting, hiring, training, community engagement, civil disturbance and field training programs. Tung recommends that rookie officers get essential security access tools and other practical equipment to enhance their effectiveness on duty.

This doorstop will help officers respond to commercial buildings, schools and apartment complexes without multiple pass keys.
This lapel light will allow you to work without holding a bulky flashlight in one hand.
This pen has a tungsten tip which can smash glass in case of emergencies. It also writes fabulously.

Daniel J. Borowick, MS, CSCS, and founder of DOMEX Strength and Fitness, LLC is a former DEA Special Agent who has over 27 years of tactical experience in federal (DEA) and state (New Jersey State Police). Currently, he is a strength and conditioning specialist serving in the U.S. Army’s (H2F) Holistic Health and Fitness Program. Borowick recommended products to keep in your car or on your person, designed to make patrolling more efficient.

This Safariland QUICK-KIT allows officers to rearrange gear on a duty belt without needing to use extra tools.
The pages of this notebook are completely waterproof, preventing your notes from being damaged in rainy conditions.
This tool is compact and conveniently attaches to a keychain, making it easier to find your keys. More importantly, it can break your car windows in case of emergency.
This tool will allow you to take calls hands free, making it simpler to multitask.
Rookie police officers can upgrade their equipment and maintain their gear with these Amazon finds