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PaycheckSecured now endorsed by CLEAT and is preferred provider for wage protection

PaycheckSecured has been endorsed by CLEAT, the Combined Law Enforcement Associations of Texas. CLEAT is dedicated to ensuring that its members’ rights and interests are protected by providing legal representation, lobbying and legislative representation, and local political action. CLEAT has officially listed PaycheckSecured as its preferred provider for law enforcement officer wage protection in the case of policy violation-based suspension (Criminal suspensions are not eligible).

PaycheckSecured gives law enforcement professionals peace of mind by providing a safety net that ensures 100% wage compensation in the event of a suspension due to policy and standard operating violations for up to 180 days.

With the endorsement and preferred vendor designation by CLEAT, PaycheckSecured aims to bring its life-changing service to more officers in the state of Texas and throughout the nation.

Learn more about how PaycheckSecured can help protect you and your family from the potentially disastrous financial effects of suspension at

About PaycheckSecured
PaycheckSecured offers financial peace of mind for the modern day Law Enforcement Officer. One of the growing dangers a law enforcement officer faces in modern times is being suspended for policy and standard operating violations. Suspensions and the subsequent loss of income is of great concern to law enforcement officers nation wide. PaycheckSecured aims to put a stop to the stress this causes officers, and give them the peace of mind they deserve when coming to work and performing their duties.