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SHOT Show 2016: Checking in with Nexus Ammunition

Nexus Ammunition may very well be the home of some of the most consistently accurate rifle ammo on the commercial market

Nexus Ammunition may very well be the home of some of the most consistently accurate rifle ammo on the commercial market. Right now they are loading for the spec ops military market and some law enforcement use. What makes them different? First, they manufacture their own brass cases to a rigid set of standards. Most brass cases, with the exception of Lapua and a couple others, have brass that will be thicker on one side of the case than the other. This leads to the practice of neck turning to get rid of the high side to make it concentric. Also, there will be variations in grain weight from case to case that can change the internal volume of the case. All of this can affect long range accuracy by changing the pressure and velocity of the load.

Nexus controls both concentricity and weight to tight tolerances with no high spots. They also anneal the case necks to keep the neck tension uniform. Combine that with super consistent charge weights down to .06 grains, along with other quality control measures, and you have extremely uniform ammunition with extreme spreads in the single digits with certain powders.

The company is currently loading .308, .223, .260 Remington and .300 Winchester Magnum with plans for .338 Lapua and 6.5 Creedmoor later.

They are also going to offer a tungsten core bullet for long range performance and enhanced terminal ballistics in a magazine length tolerant loading. The tungsten core offers a unique limited penetration round that sends a “meteor shower” of tungsten particles uniformly into soft tissue. I have seen this type of round before with another individual a few years ago but it fell out of favor due to the inability to stabilize the tungsten in the jacket. Nexus has solved that problem and will be manufacturing them in some of the product lines. For LE, it offers limited penetration characteristics with devastating terminal ballistics. Time will tell on other characteristics such as barrier penetration.

The brass alone is definitely worth getting, but they are a ways away from selling on the commercial market due to other contracts. This will be one to keep an eye on this year.

Ron Avery was the co-founder and director of training for The Tactical Performance Center (TPC) located in St. George, Utah. A former police officer, as well as a martial artist, Ron brought that experience into the training environment. He was internationally recognized as a researcher, firearms trainer and world-class shooter, and his training methodology has been used by hundreds of agencies and thousands of individuals across the US and internationally. He was a weapons and tactics trainer for handgun, carbine, precision rifle and shotgun, as well as advanced instructor schools, defensive tactics, low light tactics and officer survival.

Ron passed away on February 23, 2019, leaving a legacy of contributions to police firearms and defensive tactics training.