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5 New Year commitments police officers should make

Resolve to start off the New Year with five commitments that will set the foundation for the year to come


Run your agency qual course for all weapon systems (pistol, patrol rifle and, yes, shotgun) and for your off-duty carry.

Photo/Lawrence Lujan

  • Resolution | re-zə-ˈlü-shən | a decision or determination
  • Commitment | kəˈmitmənt | the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc.

The New Year is here and many people will make resolutions that while verbalized, are never kept or even started. Instead, resolve to start off this year with five commitments that will set the foundation for the year to come.

1. Get functionally fit

If you do not regularly take part in some type of physical activity, commit to doing so on a regular basis. This could be a defensive tactics course, running, lifting, functional fitness or yoga for first responders.

When you can’t get to or apply your tools in law enforcement, your safety will come down to going hands on. Strength, skill and endurance are what get police officers through these physical events. Do yourself a favor and take care of your health and get fit.

2. Regularly qualify

Run your agency qual course for all weapon systems (pistol, patrol rifle and, yes, shotgun) and for your off-duty carry.

Do some real-world weapons practice such as weapons transition, reloads, shooting on the move and shooting from cover.

Here are 50 round pistol, rifle and shotgun courses that run you through these types of drills.

3. Clean your guns

Guns are a police officer’s first and in some cases, last line of defense.

Start the New Year off by conducting a thorough and complete breakdown, inspection and cleaning of your weapons.

Check for broken gas rings and other broken or damaged parts. If you don’t know how to do this, take your guns to someone who knows how to do so for you (all agencies have that one person).

Use Frog Lube, Mirachem, Hoppes #9 or your favorite cleaner and lubricant to make sure your weapon will function when called upon to do so.

4. Check your gear

Take a look at your Sam Browne and your TAC vest. Make sure your current set up still fits you and your needs. If not, take it apart and set it up so that it does. Under stress, your hands should naturally go to where your kit is on your belt or vest.

Team leaders should have their teams safely unload their side arms and remove the TASER cartridge from their TASER, then run them through dry runs.

Call out the tool, for example, “Baton.” Officers should immediately deploy the tool called out without having to search and rummage with both hands while looking to retrieve it. This is a great monthly drill.

Replace the batteries to your flashlight, pistol and rifle light. Replace your old nitrile gloves with new ones. Inspect your tourniquet and other medical equipment to make sure they are in working condition. Practice applying your tourniquet.

If you carry a window punch, make sure it functions and isn’t fouled with debris.

Clean, disinfect and lubricate your handcuffs.

5. Commit to serving and surviving

Start the New Year and every day by committing to survival and service. Write yourself a note and post it where you will see it. Repeat and commit to what it says each time you suit up: I will serve my community no matter what may come, I will overcome and I will survive!

Team leaders can remind everyone of why they serve by having them recite their oath of honor, agency mission statement and core values.

Ongoing commitment

Don’t forget, you can commit to changing your life any day of the year. Whether you are starting a new job or duty assignment, working with a new partner, getting a promotion or returning from a military assignment, follow these five steps for success.

This article, originally published 1/3/2018, has been updated with current information.

Lawrence Lujan has 34 years of active service and is currently commander of the Major Crimes Division. A graduate of the FBI National Academy, session 274, and the Law Enforcement Management Institute of Texas (LEMIT) Class 58, his operational and instructional experience includes gang investigations, gang enforcement, leadership, officer safety, special team tactics-SWAT, mobile field force and firearms. In addition to being a columnist and contributor to Police1, Lawrence has authored articles for trade journals across the United States and internationally in El Salvador, Canada and South Korea. He has operational experience in Honduras, Canada, Panama and Colombia. In 2021, Lawrence was awarded the Frederic Milton Thrasher award for superior service by the National Gang Crime Research Center (NGCRC). Lawrence brings a unique and sought-after skill set to the law enforcement arena.