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Are officers satisfied with their firearms training? (infographic)

Police departments rely on a combination of internal and external training resources – how does your agency measure up?

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Download the free infographic to find out how often departments require officers to qualify with firearms and whether officers are satisfied with their agency’s training.

image/SIG Sauer Academy

Sponsored by SIG Sauer Inc.

Police1 and SIG Sauer teamed up earlier this year for a survey to learn more about how law enforcement agencies are training their officers across the country. We especially wanted to know how officers feel about that training and whether they feel they are prepared when it comes to firearms use in the field.

Download the FREE infographic to find out:

  • How often departments require officers to qualify with firearms?
  • How many agencies send officers to outside firearms training, and how often?
  • What are some of the popular outside training resources?
  • Are officers satisfied with their agency’s firearms training?

Fill out the form below to download the free infographic: