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Off-duty employment considerations for police

Being familiar with agency policy regarding off-duty work is the first step cops must take


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This episode of the Policing Matters Podcast is sponsored by LexisNexis Risk Solutions. Learn more about how their Accurint Virtual Crime Center can help you solve more crime and find non-obvious connections at

Like many officers struggling to provide for their families, Chris White began working off-duty security jobs to supplement his income and purchased his first home with the money he earned. He then began assisting fellow officers by helping them schedule other regional off-duty requests, leading him to form ATHOS Group, a national off-duty hiring firm for law enforcement officers.

In this episode, host Jim Dudley asks Chris to share his advice for police officers seeking outside employment, as well as how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted off-duty opportunities for police.

Policing Matters law enforcement podcast with host Jim Dudley features law enforcement and criminal justice experts discussing critical issues in policing