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Law Enforcement Across the Nation Use PepperBall to Save Lives

For Immediate Release - May 19, 2003

Non-Lethal Weapon Helps Police and Civilians Avoid Death, Serious Injury

San Diego, Calif., - A new era in non-lethal law enforcement methodology is sweeping the nation. Lives are saved daily and at the same time risk is reduced for officers in potentially dangerous situations. Law enforcement officers in police departments and sheriff’s offices across the country are relying on the PepperBall System™ as an alternative to lethal force in hostage, ‘Suicide-by-Cop,’ standoffs and other situations that require police officers to balance their own safety and the safety of suspects and bystanders.

In jurisdictions as varied as New Albany, Indiana; Fort McDonald Yavapai Nation, Arizona; and Omaha, Nebraska; the PepperBall System allowed officers to respond to demanding, tense situations with non-lethal force. Officers used the PepperBall System to defuse potentially fatal encounters and avoid serious injury to the subjects involved in each incident. PepperBall allowed the precise delivery of effective, non-lethal force to gain compliance in all of these situations.

Police in New Albany, Indiana successfully subdued a man armed with two 9mm handguns and a knife using the PepperBall System on March 21, 2003. Paul Sarles held police off for 40 minutes outside his residence before he was struck with PepperBall rounds, tackled, and taken into custody.

“This incident is a textbook case demonstrating how and when non-lethal force can be used successfully,” said Lt. Col. Tony Downs of the New Albany Police Department. “If we didn’t have PepperBall available during this altercation you might have seen a more tragic outcome.”

Yavapai Nation Tribal Police deployed the PepperBall System in January 2003 during an incident in which a suicidal woman threatened to stab herself in the chest. Officers deployed PepperBall after the woman refused to drop her knife and attempted to stab herself in the chest. PepperBall projectiles convinced the woman to drop her knife and allowed the officers to safely take her into custody.

On April 5, 2003, Omaha, Nebraska Police Department Officers encountered a highly agitated man who threatened to kill the officers responding to the incident. He had a prior history of arrests including assault, obstructing justice, disorderly conduct, and drug use. He refused to comply with numerous commands from officers on the scene, but four PepperBall projectiles launched from 15 feet persuaded him to comply immediately. He was then taken into custody without the need for higher levels of force.

“The PepperBall worked like a charm,” said Omaha Police Department Lt. Robert Frock. “It allowed officers to take an active aggressive, non-compliant, subject into custody without the need to physically engage him and thereby risk injury to him or officers.” “PepperBall offers Law Enforcement the most versatile and effective non-lethal tool available for whenever use of force is indicated,” said Jose Marrero, PepperBall Technologies, Inc. President and Chief Executive Officer. “When officers judge it appropriate, they can confidently choose non-lethal as a first option to bring suspects into compliance or crowds under control.”

PepperBall is currently being used by more than 1,300 law enforcement, corrections, security and government agencies throughout the World. United States police and sheriff’s department users include those in the cities of New York, Chicago, Washington, D.C., Los Angeles, Dallas, Miami, Phoenix, Salt Lake, San Diego, Seattle, and many more. In addition, the Federal Bureau of Prisons and the United States Border Patrol utilize the PepperBall System.