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Actual footage of BolaWrap deployment captured on body cam

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Dozens of successful deployments like the one above have occurred in cities across the US, including Los Angeles, Sacramento, Albuquerque, Minneapolis, West Palm Beach, Fort Worth, Fresno, and others.

Actually, BolaWRAP is a device that both law enforcement and community activists agree is a must-have for officers in the field:

“It will allow officers to not have to resort to such things such as bean bags, 40 MMs, or in the most perilous of circumstances, deadly force itself.”
Chief Michel Moore, LAPD

“BolaWRAP gives our law enforcement professionals the capacity to address a criminal or someone suspected of a crime in a way that preserves lives and preserves humanity.”
Reverend Markel Hutchins, Activist, MovementForward, Inc.

’“Even if we have one case we’ve prevented lethal force from having to be used, it’s worth the investment.”
Sheriff Jim Hart, Santa Cruz County Sheriffs

If you are interested in equipping your agency with the BolaWrap, please join us for an exclusive live demo of the BolaWRAP during a 30 min livestream, where we will be reviewing bodycam footage, discussing training, and taking questions from you live, or request more info via the form below.

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