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Building trust in police: From the workplace to the community (eBook)

Your guide to community-centered policing through engaging residents, staff retention and data-informed decision-making

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Billings Police Department.png

This eBook explores how police departments like Billings Police Department in Montana use survey data to guide decisions and build trust with their communities.


Police departments in communities from Oklahoma to Montana have discovered the value of fostering engagement with the community and providing residents with a voice when making public safety priorities and hiring decisions. As a result, these departments have continued to maintain a high level of service through community policing that has earned them support from their communities.

Download this eBook for insight into:

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· How a Nebraska police department maintains its staffing levels with a community-first mindset.
· Do your residents have a say in who’s hired as police chief?
· How engagement drives successful community-centered policing and builds public trust.
· How Edmond drives high resident satisfaction with public safety services.

Complete the “Get Access to Police1 Resources” form to download the eBook and learn how using data from community surveys can result in more positive interactions between officers and residents.