Traffic Enforcement
The Police1 Traffic Enforcement product category is a collection of information and resources for researching traffic regulation solutions. The Traffic Enforcement category covers a broad range of products like fixed and handheld police radar, traffic cones and more.
Accurately measure targets from greater range and with greater accuracy.
Most affordable, highest performance RADAR to start your speed enforcement program.
Experience the future of in-car RADAR with the most advanced and easiest to use RADAR on the market today.
Deep learning software combined with advanced ALPR technology extracts more information from recorded images, helping to solve long-standing challenges and fight crime
Modular, secure, and ASTM-certified barrier solution protects pedestrian zones and public spaces from unauthorized vehicle intrusions
Lifesaving LED-lit safety vest aims to reduce struck-by incidents and protect first responders in low-light environments
Jenoptik’s Smart Mobility Solutions division has partnered with the City of Brampton, Ontario, to enforce speed limits and increase road safety in the Canadian municipality
Download this Police1 traffic enforcement products buying guide to learn key steps for product selection, purchasing and implementation
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- Where there’s a will there’s a way: This officer’s invention helps promote safety on the road