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Quiz: Do you know how to stay mentally and physically fit?

Test your health knowledge with this 10-question quiz

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By Police1 Staff

As a police officer, you face unique stressors on the job that can easily lead to a decline in your mental and physical health. That’s why knowledge of how the human body works and what you can do to keep yours healthy is of the utmost importance.

Here’s a 10-question quiz, provided by our online training partner Police1 Academy, to test your knowledge on wellness and mental health.

How did you do? Make sure to share your results and challenge your colleagues to match or beat your score.

Want to learn more? Check out the following articles:

How sleeping well enhances police performance

10 ways police officers can get better sleep

How police can reduce and manage stress

Fat loss made simple: 12 tips to becoming a leaner cop

7 easy ways cops can eat healthier on duty