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Quiz: Test your expertise in firearms tactics

Make sure to share your results and challenge your colleagues to match or beat your score

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By Police1 Staff

There’s a very good chance you may go your whole career without firing your weapon. But if that day comes, you need to be prepared to win the fight. From cover to trigger control, keeping your firearms tactics and training knowledge sharp is a vital component of ensuring you, your colleagues and the public stay safe.

Here’s a 10-question quiz, provided by our online training partner Police1 Academy, to test your knowledge on firearms tactics.

How did you do? Make sure to share your results and challenge your colleagues to match or beat your score.

Want to learn more? Check out the following articles:

The 3 shooting stances: Which one’s right for you?

Police firearms training: How often should you be shooting?

How mindset training can help prevent deadly hesitation

Tactical Tip: The brace contact position

How to improve your reaction time with mental athletics