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How to build firearms training range (eBook)

Download this Police1 firearms training range buying guide to learn key steps for product selection, purchasing and implementation

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Building a firearms training range for law enforcement is a project that requires careful planning, consideration of safety and health protocols, adherence to legal requirements and thoughtful design to meet the department’s training needs.

A well-designed range provides a controlled environment where officers can develop and maintain their firearms skills, essential for ensuring public safety and effective law enforcement.

A well-planned and well-constructed firearms training range not only enhances the skills and safety of officers but also ensures they will be prepared for any situation they may encounter in the line of duty.

By investing in the most well-equipped training facility your budget can afford, your department can provide high-quality training that improves the effectiveness and safety of law enforcement operations.

This Police1 guide provides comprehensive steps for constructing a firearms training range, from initial planning to final implementation.

Download your free copy of the comprehensive “How to Build Firearms Training Range” guide from Police1 by filling out the form today.