Content provided by Delta Scientific
There’s a history of vehicles being used to assault people in crowds, more commonly known as a vehicle ramming attack or vehicle as a weapon (VAW). These deliberate incidents, whether they’re terroristic or caused by road rage or psychiatric issues, are becoming more frequent and lethal globally, and it’s a threat that all agencies need to be prepared for. Such was the case in the 2016 attack in Nice, France that killed 86 people and injured 434; or the Charlottesville, Va. attack in 2017 that injured 35 and killed 1; or the attack in Ramie, Israel, on July 14, 2024, that left 4 injured and one critical; or the most recent in New Orleans, Louisiana, that killed 14 and injured dozens. The numbers add up quickly: 135 killed and over 500 injured in just these 4 incidents and countless more when you include all attacks.
The rise in VAW attacks around the world is making agencies call for preemptive perimeter security measures for large gatherings and for political or special events. Luckily, there are now portable high security barriers that meet or exceed ASTM F2656-23 crash criteria that can be used to secure the perimeters to events such as parades, festivals, farmer’s markets or even larger citywide events.
Failing to secure an event due to negligence can lead to liability and other legal issues. Organizers can be held liable for injuries, fatalities or even damaged property, which can lead to multiple lawsuits. As manufacturers come up with designs and ways to provide viable protection to pedestrians and property, their goal is to be able to provide organizations with the knowledge and a product to safely secure these locations. There are grants available to agencies to assist with the purchase of portable barriers so that they can provide the safety required to prevent tragedies. Overall, the deployment of portable barriers provides an extra layer of protection and peace of mind to pedestrians and organizers and aids law enforcement in stopping a vehicular threat.
The use of crowd control barriers inside protected zones such as music festivals and street fairs are common and effective but not recommended for primary perimeter protection. Concrete k-rails are another product used but can be challenging logistically due to length and weight as well as providing poor support for direct impacts. They are designed for glancing blows and can cause concrete to explode upon impact. Some cities are now installing fixed bollards in tourist areas to prevent or minimize vehicular attacks, but perimeter protection is not a one-barrier-fits-all application. The selection of barriers depends on what or who you’re trying to protect, the length of time and location, and ultimately the weight and speed of vehicles that can potentially gain access to the event. That is one reason that portable barriers are so appealing and adaptable towards such events, with their multi-surface application, quick deployment and ability to be used as a temporary replacement until a permanent unit can be fixed or installed.
Delta Scientific’s MP100 Portable Barrier is the newest portable product. Its innovative design makes it quick and easy for one person to deploy within minutes. Easily transported in a drop-deck trailer, flatbed trailer or stake truck, the barriers can be set in place with a transporter, commercial pallet jack or standard forklift. The MP100 was designed and built with portability, quick deployment and a smaller footprint for storage in mind and only weighs 700 lbs. The final robust design features spring hinges that allow the reinforced ram and side sections to be lifted with less than 40 lbs. of lifting force. These features make it a great choice for law enforcement and all agencies to deploy at special events, parades, incident sites, command centers and buildings to provide a layer of perimeter protection against a vehicular threat.
On October 23, 2024, the MP100 portable 5-barrier array passed the ASTM F2656-23 crash test receiving the M30/P3 designation with a remarkable 51’ of penetration. The test is performed with a 15,000 lbs. truck traveling at 30 mph, impacting the 5-barrier array. As of October 1, 2024 the MP100 also successfully received the ASTM F2656-23 PU30/P3 designation, marking it as a top performer in the industry with total penetration measured at just 29 feet in a 3-barrier array. These tests are performed with the test vehicle impacting the barriers head-on – impressive results when considering the vehicle size, speed, weight and impact force. In 50 years of business the innovative minds at Delta Scientific keep producing impressive products that keep pushing the boundaries of the industry with high security barriers.