Virtual Reality Training
The Police1 Police Virtual Reality Training product category is a collection of information, product listings and resources for researching virtual reality training hardware, software and accessories.
Download this Police1 virtual reality training buying guide to learn key steps for product selection, purchasing and implementation
Axon’s Thi Luu and Andy Wrenn explain how portable virtual reality training pods and realistic scenarios can improve officer performance, safety and community engagement
MILO’s simulations offer realistic training options that allow departments to train their officers in both the use of firearms and less-lethal force options
See how Axon’s virtual reality training and its TASER 10 VR Controller collide to provide law enforcement officers with realistic
VR training programs designed for de-escalation, use of force, tactical operators, crowd control, POST certification
Virtual Training
With the addition of Gervais and Ayers, four of VirTra’s five board members are now independent, reinforcing the Company’s focus on effective governance and strategic leadership