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Rob Fanelli

Captain Rob Fanelli has 22 years of law enforcement experience. He retired from the Gainesville (Florida) Police Department as an Operations Commander and has held the titles of Investigations Commander and Special Operations Supervisor. He has experience in the areas ofRobbery/Homicide, Sexual Assault, ICAC, Domestic Violence, Street Crimes Task Force and the Forensic Units. He has also been a part of several Federal Task Forces throughout his career. He left his position as a commander to be closer to family and decided to relive his youth as an officer in Aurora, Colorado. His move from captain to recruit has given him new insights and perspectives on leadership, field training and patrol operations. He is an IACP and RTI consultant and is a Johns Hopkins Fellow in the School of Public Health.

Break the cycle of write-review-correct — use these three practical strategies to help trainees develop detailed reports that stand up in court
Stronger police reports lead to better investigations and successful prosecutions. Learn how to improve report structure, add key details and avoid common writing mistakes