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SHOT Show 2018: 4 hot products at Industry Day at the Range

The 13th Annual Industry Day brought together over 200 exhibiting companies to show off their new wares


I attended the 13th Annual Industry Day at the Range at SHOT Show 2018, which brings together over 200 exhibiting companies to show off their new wares.

As you can imagine, with so many vendors, it is hard to select what to write about. Just because a manufacturer isn’t included in this article doesn’t mean they didn’t have something important to show, and you can read more Police1 coverage on our 2018 SHOT show special coverage page.

Ruger EC-9



Starting with the .380 caliber Ruger LCP (Lightweight Carry Pistol) introduced in 2008 and moving through the upgraded LC-380 and LC-9 – which share the same frame – and the LC-9s (striker fired), Ruger is introducing the new EC-9s, retailing for $299.

The new pistol uses the same holsters and magazines as the LC-9 series, making it easy to find accessories. The firearm comes with one 7-round standard capacity magazine with one flush and one extended magazine floorplate to accommodate grip size preferences.

Ruger also offers extended magazines for a 9+1 capacity that provide a full-length grip for even the largest hands. The 17 ounce EC9 has multiple external safeties including a manual thumb safety, trigger safety, magazine disconnect and loaded chamber port. It has a 3.1-inch barrel and measures just .9 inches wide.

Kimber Micro 9 DN Series



Consisting of 4 models with different finishes (MSRP $755), and a CDP carry-melt version with an ambi safety (MSRP $1,028), these new 16-ounce pistols feature combination fiber optic / tritium sights (DN = Day/Night).

Greg Thomas, handguns product manager, told me that they worked with Hogue to have custom grips developed for the new series and I can certainly feel the difference. Unlike other micro 1911s I have shot, these fit naturally into your hand letting you go through a couple of 7-round magazines without that tingle in your hand afterward.

Real Avid Bore Boss



Like the other snake that came before it, the Bore Boss from Real Avid is available in different calibers and lengths for pistol and rifle. It comes packaged in a caliber-marked travel case that is also used as a handle to pull the device through your firearm and it has a true wire-bristle brush. Pricing is under $10.

Suppressed Weapons Systems



This group out of Stafford, Texas, offers a monolithically integrally suppressed barrel, or MISB for short. The idea is that they can put a machined one-piece suppressed barrel on just about any bolt action or AR-15.

Looking at the photo, you can see how easy it is to maintain an MISB-equipped firearm. You unscrew a locking nut at the front, slide off the titanium shroud, and clean the barrel.

Unlike other suppressors, there are no other parts to remove and, more important, no parts that have to be lined up in the proper order to reassemble your suppressor.

Jack Armstrong, chief engineer, says that the MISB can be mounted on any firearm designed to take a match barrel – and that includes the later-generation Ruger shown here.

Ron LaPedis teaches with, an all-volunteer training organization dedicated to advancing firearms safety and knowledge in the San Francisco Bay Area. He holds instructor ratings from NRA, USCCA and California POST, and is a uniformed first responder. He is a member of the International Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association (ILEETA).

Ron has been recognized as a Fellow of the Business Continuity Institute (FBCI), a Distinguished Fellow of the Ponemon Institute, and holds Master Business Continuity Professional (MBCP) and Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) certifications.