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SHOT Show 2023 in the rear-view mirror: A smorgasbord of new products

We review tactical communications, concussion protection, RDS, storage solutions and much more

Figure 5.png

Photos/Ron LaPedis

There was so much to see at SHOT Show 2023 that Police1 coverage still is catching up. In this article, we cover tactical communications, concussion protection, another RDS, storage solutions and more.


California-based Pryme has been designing and manufacturing products for professional users of two-way radios for nearly 30 years. Many of Pryme’s microphones and speakers are based on Bluetooth (BT), which allows them to be wireless and discreet. Have a radio that isn’t BT capable? No problem, because Pryme probably makes an adaptor for it that connects in place of the native microphone.

Pryme’s purpose-built surveillance kits offer clear tube earpieces with separate push-to-talk (PTT) units using strong but thin connections. If you need to go into noisy environments, such as firefighting and factory floors, Pryme also has you covered with throat and bone-conduction microphones, bone-conduction and over-the-ear headsets and waterproof PTT that are big enough for a firefighter to use while wearing aluminized Kevlar gloves.

Some of Pryme’s latest products are designed to support the WAVE and ZELLO “PTT over cellular” or PoC mobile communications apps. These apps turn a cellphone into a multi-channel push-to-talk handset letting them connect to existing two-way radio networks. Products include small PTT switches that can be worn like a ring or hung from a keychain.

Because Pryme products are designed and manufactured in-house with strict “your life depends on it” QA, the company can offer customization to your agency’s requirements. Pryme’s products also are not subject to the funding restrictions contained in the 2019 National Defense Administration Act.

Fig 1 Pryme.png

Top: BTH-900-MAX wireless headset; ring, pocket and bracelet PoC PTT switches. Bottom: Gladiator throat mic with waterproof tactical PTT; NBP-BH Bone conduction headset, BT radio adaptor; BT-550 rechargeable BT mic with tube earpiece; quick disconnect (QD) headset.

Photos/Ron LaPedis


Ever wonder how woodpeckers peck without getting concussions? Because the human brain floats inside the skull, it moves – sometimes with great force – when the head is exposed to an impact. Two doctors discovered that by applying light pressure to the sides of the neck, blood volume in the brain’s venous structures can be increased, reducing the harmful internal movement that causes brain injury – by over 80%. The SWAT study, referenced below, suggests that it doesn’t matter whether the impact is physical or from a blast wave.

Ten years and twenty-five pre-clinical and clinical studies later, the FDA announced that the Q-Collar, a Class 2 medical device (figure 2) safely and effectively “provides an additional piece of protective equipment athletes can wear when playing sports to help protect their brains from the effects of repetitive head impacts.” Some studies suggest that hearing damage also can be mitigated.

Fig 2 Q-Collar.png

Research suggests that the Q-Collar could reduce the risk and severity of traumatic brain injury from blast waves in addition to collisions.

Photos/Ron LaPedis

Researchers at the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC) performed a study with SWAT personnel who were exposed to low-level blast exposure during breacher training. Ten participants who wore a Q-Collar and eight who did not, had a baseline functional MRI scan before a breacher training session. The fMRI scan was repeated after the training session. While there was no change in brain activation during the working memory task in the study group (who wore the Q-Collar), the elevation in fMRI activation in the non-collar group was found to correlate significantly with average peak blast amplitude experienced during training. The results suggest that the Q-Collar could reduce the risk and severity of traumatic brain injury from blast waves in addition to collisions.

Q30 has partnered with the United States Army Medical Material Development Activity’s Warfighter Brain Health Project Management Office to evaluate the safety, effectiveness and field suitability of the Q-Collar to help prevent or reduce traumatic brain injury (TBI) caused by pressure waves from missiles, ballistics, artillery, IEDs and shoulder-fired weapons.

To learn more or purchase one for yourself, visit

Steiner MPS

A year ago, the future was red dot sights. Now the future is enclosed RDS. While still head and shoulders above iron sights, open RDS suffer from dirt or water getting into the emitter and fogging. And first-generation RDS may need to be removed and re-zeroed to replace the battery.

Fig 3 Steiner target.JPG

Figure 1

Photo/Ron LaPedis

The Aimpoint ACRO, Holosun EPS, Viridian RFX 45 green dot sight and Steiner MPS are some of the latest ERDS on the market. Steiner gave me an MPS at SHOT Show with the proviso I would send it back in 30 days so that it could go to another evaluator.

I mounted it on my SIG P320, sighted it in at 15 yards and put it into the hands of Rangemaster Sargent David Weidner for testing. Without any warmup, Dave started at 5 yards and moved to 10, 15, 20, and 25 yards shooting 6 rounds in under 5 seconds at each distance (figure 1). Besides the one flyer due to his too-early trigger prep, you can see the accuracy of the system – and the operator.

Everyone who has looked through the MPS has commented on how big and clear the glass is, without the edge distortion exhibited by other closed emitter RDS. A key selling point of the MPS is that once mounted, no special tools are needed, a spent shell casing can be used to adjust zero and replace the battery. Other key features are a recessed front window with metal hood, eight brightness settings (two night vision), waterproof/ fogproof to 10m and top-mounted emitter.

I think the best statement I can make about the quality of this sight is that Dave and I each put one on order. For more information about the MPS or other Steiner optics, click here.

Fig 4 Steiner.png

Top: Aimpoint ACRO-2 and Steiner MPS from back; MPS top showing battery with multiple retention fingers – the battery cap squeezes the fingers when installed; mounted on a SIG P320. Bottom: ACRO-2 and MPS from front – the starburst is an accidental reflection of my lamp; right side; left side; bottom.

Photos/Ron LaPedis

My Case Builder

Like many of you, I need to drag multiple handguns with their magazines to training classes and I have several laser pistols, Airsoft and blue guns that need to be neatly stored in drawers so that I can get to them easily.

Mycasebuilder has been solving problem one for quite a while and it hit me that their case inserts could be put into some spare filing cabinets that I had in the office. The photo below shows what I did. One benefit is keeping the mags next to the gun so that I don’t need to go digging for them. If you want to do the same, let them know that you want the 5-gun Doro case insert.

Fig 5 CaseBuilder.jpeg

Mycasebuilder’s 5-gun Doro case insert.

Photo/Ron LaPedis

Robots and Drones

Can’t decide on the right tool to send into a situation or maybe it’s unsafe to fly your drone into the target location? The ICOR Caliber drone mount will put a BRINC Lemur S on top of your Flex, MK4, MK3, T5, or Mini-Caliber arm. Since the drone is on the arm, you can lift it above obstructions or launch it from inside a structure while the robot stays outside.

Since the robot and drone have separate controls, both can be run by their mission specialists at the same time.

Fig 6 ICOR.png

ICOR Caliber drone mount

Photos/Ron LaPedis

Door Jamm

You’ve entered or exited an area with a security gate or self-locking door and the door closes and locks behind you. Yeah, embarrassing, isn’t it? In an active shooter, explosive, or hazmat situation, it could be deadly, leaving you no exit path.

Two officers at a police department in Los Angeles County became frustrated by constantly having to improvise some way to hold open security doors/gates they encountered throughout their patrol area. This led to the development of DoorJamm, a reliable made-in-USA tool that prevents doors from locking behind first responders.

Figure 5.png

Door Jamms can be hung from your uniform on a carabiner, slipped over traditional door handles, or two can be looped together and stretched over a slam bar.

Photos/Ron LaPedis

Door Jamm works by stretching it from one doorknob, across the latch, and to the other knob, preventing the door from locking and at the same time effectively marking it. No doorknob, no problem – you can loop the ribbon around whatever the door has and thread it through one of the holes to secure it. And unlike tape, there is no adhesive to “let go” or mar the finish when it’s removed.

They also are useful around the range where staff can keep self-locking doors closed but accessible during training sessions without giving keys to the students.


I received a Sionyx Opsin evaluation unit just after SHOT Show and was able to test it on a night with a 1% moon. The water-draining MOLLE-compatible pack contains the unit that is designed for mounting on an NVM-compatible tactical helmet with a battery case pouch. The first photo shows the accessories, which are a rechargeable battery, 2-pin power cable, charger, rubber eyecup, swing arm, charger plug adaptors and on-board memory card. The second photo shows the iPhone mount and SpyderCheckr color card I used, while the last photo shows the results. Remembering that these photos were taken on a moonless night at a location that borders on a wilderness area using an iPhone not designed to work with an LED video display, I still think you can get a good sense of the power that an Opsin puts into your hand or on your NVG helmet, or with the Sionyx Aurora, on a rifle.

Fig 8 Sionyx.png

Sionyx Opsin kit with dovetail swing arm, ready to mount onto your favorite night vision helmet.

Photos/Ron LaPedis

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iPhone mount and SpyderCheckr color card under LED lighting without white balance correction.

Photo/Ron LaPedis

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Four back-to-back photos show a color card on a moonless night in the countryside.

Photos/Ron LaPedis

For more Police1 SHOT Show coverage, check out reviews from my fellow columnist Lindsey Bertomen and visit

Ron LaPedis teaches with, an all-volunteer training organization dedicated to advancing firearms safety and knowledge in the San Francisco Bay Area. He holds instructor ratings from NRA, USCCA and California POST, and is a uniformed first responder. He is a member of the International Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association (ILEETA).

Ron has been recognized as a Fellow of the Business Continuity Institute (FBCI), a Distinguished Fellow of the Ponemon Institute, and holds Master Business Continuity Professional (MBCP) and Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) certifications.