By Police1 Staff
VICTORIA — A police department video on how to make crack cocaine is drawing criticism from some as being inappropriate.
The Times Colonist reported that the Victoria Police Department posted the short clip on its YouTube channel Wednesday.
In the video, Conor King, a drug expert at the department, explains how cocaine is turned into crack.
“For the most vulnerable kids out there, there might be some issues that I’d have concerns with as a parent,” said Rev. Al Tysick, a prominent street worker in the area.
The department produced the video in the wake of a recent raid, where officers seized $30,000 in cocaine from a house, according to the report.
Police spokesman Mike Tucker said the video leaves out the key details of how to make crack cocaine, and that the clip should raise community awareness of cook houses.
“People think of a cook house and they think of some clandestine labratory,” he said, adding that the video shows that crack can be cooked in a regular kitchen.
There was no significant risk involved in discussing the process and “it’s not any secret,” he told the newspaper.