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Audio: Texas man ‘starting new nation’ fires AK-47 at cops, firefighters

60-year-old man who shot at officers and firefighters Monday espoused anti-government views and claimed to be starting his own nation called “Doug-E-Stan”

By Tristan Hallman
The Dallas Morning News

DALLAS — A 60-year-old Corinth man who shot at officers and firefighters Monday in Far North Dallas espoused anti-government views and claimed to be starting his own nation called “Doug-E-Stan,” police said Tuesday.

Police say they had found no link between Douglas Lee LeGuin, a Corinth homeowner with no criminal past, and any specific anti-government groups or movements. There was also no clear link between LeGuin and the Far North Dallas house where police said he planned to “occupy” the new nation.

LeGuin was charged with seven counts of aggravated assault against a public servant. He was being held in Dallas County jail late Tuesday in lieu of $350,000 bail.

Maj. Jeff Cotner of the crimes against persons division said the whole incident was “somewhat surreal.”

“I’ve been here 32 1/2 years. This is bizarre,” he said.

Corinth Police Assistant Chief Greg Wilkerson said LeGuin’s wife called authorities about 1:30 p.m. Monday, reporting that her husband was missing and hadn’t gone to work. An AK-47 assault rifle, ammunition and propane tanks were missing from his home, police said.

Wilkerson also said a friend of LeGuin’s in Kentucky told LeGuin’s wife he had received some audio of him expressing anti-government views.

Later in the afternoon, police said, LeGuin showed up at the house in the 5500 block of North 40th Place and threatened a nanny who answered the door.

Cotner said LeGuin apparently did not try to get inside the house, and he credited the nanny with closing the door and hiding a young girl.

When Dallas firefighters drove by the house, LeGuin started shooting at them, police said. Two bullets hit the firetruck. He also is accused of shooting at officers when they showed up. Nobody was injured.

After the initial shots, police said, LeGuin went into the woods and called 911.

Police released the 911 audio. A man calling himself “Dougie Doug” from the new nation of “Doug-E-Stan” said he was tired of America.

He also said he was upset with Dallas police for “shooting the mentally handicapped.” When the call-taker asked if he had been diagnosed with anything, the man replied that he had “a clear mind and a full heart.”

Dallas police found several propane tanks and jars filled with liquid outside the home. Some had exploded, and LeGuin said he shot at least one.

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