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Study: AI-reviewed body cam footage reduces bad behaviors

Professional officer behaviors increased

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COLUMBIA, S.C. — A study conducted by the University of South Carolina, found that using AI technology to review body-worn camera footage drastically reduces unprofessional behaviors by law enforcement personnel while increasing positive, professional behaviors.

Study Background:

When trailblazing police chief Art Acevedo took over the embattled Aurora, Colorado Police Department, he implemented TRULEO AI software to review thousands of hours of body camera footage.

220 Aurora Police Officers participated in a six-month trial and another 180 deputies from Richland County, South Carolina were also included.

Key Findings

  • TRULEO’s technology led to “substantial reductions in unprofessional police behavior.”
  • Aurora officers decreased unprofessional behaviors by nearly 60%
  • Richland County deputies increased professional behaviors by 82%

“The success of this trial illustrates the potential for AI-driven solutions to address the challenges of traditional body-worn camera auditing, which is often constrained by limited resources,” said lead researcher, Dr. Ian Adams, an assistant professor at the University of South Carolina.

“The complete auditing capability of TRULEO ensures that every interaction captured on camera is reviewed, providing a level of oversight that was previously unattainable. Our findings convincingly demonstrate that AI-assisted review of body-worn camera footage can raise the floor by decreasing substandard police behavior in agencies undergoing substantial changes while under a consent decree and can raise the ceiling by increasing police professionalism in agencies that are generally stable and performing well.”

TRULEO is committed to ensuring responsible, ethical AI usage by converting body camera video to text before analysis, greatly reducing bias and automatically redacting police officers’ and community members’ personally identifiable data. TRULEO does not sell body cameras and is thus a conflict-free option for government agencies that require independent, objective audit software.

To learn more about TRULEO’s mission to recognize police professionalism, visit

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