(From the Informed Source Newsletter, published by Profiles Threat Countermeasures Group.)
This is an “Informed Source” Bulletin,.
“Informed Source” Newsletter and “Informed Source” Bulletins are restricted to professional personnel in the CI/CT, law enforcement, military, and private security sectors.
March 17/03
Well gentlemen,
It looks like it’s going to be be time to rock and roll. We know the military will do its job in the middle east, and you’ve been advised of terrorist operatives, and a second front within our own country. Everyone is advised to have good backups for info and advisories in the event that communications are disrupted in any area. As our backup, I recommend Police1.com and anthonymdavis@homelandsecuritygroup.org.
There isn’t much to say at the moment, but to watch your six.
Sheriff Erasmo Alarcon Jr. of Jim Hogg County Texas is advising of spotting unknown troops, equipped with “professional backpacks” walking together in military cadence. The county’s deputy sheriff, Guadalupe Rodriguez, said he believes the armed men are foreign and not drug smugglers. Sheriff Alarcon : These military-type individuals have been sighted in very remote locations of our county,” which “stretches 50 or 60 miles from end to end.” No additional.
CAVEATS: None. Please ensure widest dissemination.
DSN 312-574-7971
CELLULAR: 757-342-0904
Military personnel from the 203d Red Horse Flight (VA ANG, Virginia Beach, VA), were at a restaurant when they were approached by two Middle Eastern people who asked questions about where they could get uniforms, weapons, what base were they assigned to, and where they were deploying. They got very defensive when the military personnel refused to answer their questions. The military members departed, but not before getting good descriptions of them as well as their vehicle. The local police and the FBI were notified. Both individuals were captured. One individual was wanted in NY for weapons issues and both were in this country illegally.
Security forces at Vandenberg Air Force Base are on alert to use “deadly force” in some cases if antiwar demonstrators infiltrating the military complex. Antiwar activists announced plans to trespass
Surveillance is well in progress in major cities -be advised.
Consulting with the Israelis as to what to expect because they’ve had more experience with terrorists than any other country, they say to anticipate everything from acts of sabotage, homicide bombers where there are groups of people, sniper and bomb attacks- to radiological “dirty bombs,” to injecting Iraqi volunteers with smallpox and then dispersing them
throughout the U.S. Another easy target for terrorists: THE U.S. POWER GRID, which could be shut down by terrorists. An attack on the power grid would shut down cities and make it impossible to even pump water to homes and offices. As we have already known, and what Vice President Cheney said, “It’s not a matter of IF terrorists will strike America again, but WHEN.”
Emergency Advisory for Passengers and Flight Crews.
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) spreading worldwide via the airlines has warranted issue of emergency guidelines for airports, airlines, passengers, and flight crews by the CDC and WHO. The CDC is advising postponement of nonessential travel to affected areas until further notice. Some airlines have instructed their staff to look for passengers showing symptoms of the illness. The WHO is providing information on the handling of those passengers or flight crews with signs of the infection in-flight and notification of arrival.
Airways and Singapore Airlines have taken a tumble due to signs of SARS at various Asian destinations.”
- Airports, hospitals on alert for killer pneumonia
- A Worldwide Alert On Mystery Illness
- Alarm spreads over deadly pneumonia
- (SARS) - multi-country outbreak - Update
- Health Alert Notice: For International Travelers
- Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Spreads Worldwide
A group called the “Revolutionary Army” announced that it was they who fired projectiles last week at a U.S. air base in Tokyo and the Defense Agency. The Revolutionary Army is threatening to block Japan’s dispatch of the Self-Defense Forces abroad and a U.S.-led war against Iraq. Two projectiles were fired at the U.S. Air Force’s Yokota air base in Tokyo Wednesday night. On Tuesday morning, two wired metal cylinders, believed to be projectile launchers which were aimed in the direction of the Defense Agency, were found on school grounds ofa nearby Tokyo Chinese School, an institution for children of pro-Taipei Chinese residents in Japan.
......End Bulletin.....
This article is reprinted with permission from Informed Source Newsletter at www.profiles-threat.com.
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